You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 465

Because of the respect for the hero, there are two more people in the family, which has no influence on Ye Xingbei.

It's sapling. He has a cousin like a child who is not serious. He often makes him cry or giggle. He gets familiar with Joe quickly.

After a few days, Ling Yue's injury was completely healed and he could go to school.

Mr. Xiang has been in Jiangcheng for more than half a month. He has reached the limit and needs to return to the capital.

Before leaving, he made an agreement with Gu Junzhu that he would return to the capital first.

After clearing the way for Lingyue, Gu Jun takes Lingyue to the capital to go on the genealogy for Lingyue, holds a banquet, banquets all relatives and friends of Xiang family, and announces Lingyue's identity.

Gu Junzhu readily agreed.

Before leaving, Mr. Xiang reluctantly hugged Ling Yue for a long time and was reluctant to part.

Maybe people are old and soft hearted. They have no resistance to Ling Yue.

Or maybe Ling Yue's eyes look too much like his dead wife. Every time he sees Ling Yue, he can't help feeling mixed feelings. He can't express his guilt. I hope he can be better and better, and it's not enough to love him.

In short, he never cared about a person like Ling Yue in his life.

He almost repented and wanted to leave with Ling Yue.

But in the end, he held back.

He had already seen that Ling Yue preferred to stay with Gu Junzhu.

I'm just afraid that he will be sad, so I haven't said it clearly.

Since he loves Ling Yue, he should respect Ling Yue's opinions and obey Ling Yue's wishes.

Where Ling Yue likes, he should stay.

But he will take good care of everything in Xiang's family.

When he clears the way for Ling Yue and everything is arranged, Ling Yue can return to the capital and become a member of the heir of the rich family in the capital.

Imagine him holding Ling Yue's hand, standing on the high steps, facing many guests, proud to announce that Ling Yue is his grandson. He smiles with tears.

He hugged Ling Yue again, rubbed Ling Yue's head, and turned to get on the plane.

Ling Yue chased a few steps, and the palm of his hand was caught by the sapling.

Sapling nervously looked at him: "brother Xiaoyue?"

From the very beginning, sapling was staring at him with wide eyes, for fear that master Xiang would take away his little brother Yue.

Ling looked down at the sapling and laughed.

He clenched sapling's hand, raised his other arm and waved to the old man.

He will grow up quickly.

The world is so small and the plane is so fast. When he grows up, he can fly between grandfather and sapling to accompany everyone he wants to accompany.

Seeing off Mr. Xiang, Ling Yue and Xiao Shumiao, they go back to school.

Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei also put more energy into their work and put their life back on the right track.

Qiao Zui and Fang Yao came to Jiangcheng to recuperate.

Joe drunk is OK, he is a man of ease, have their own beliefs and beliefs, but also born loose.

Fang Yao could not bear it.

He is a very hard-working person. He always thought that protecting his family and defending his country was his lifelong career.

Suddenly left the place where he had been fighting for so long, although he didn't say it, Joe drunk could detect that he was depressed a lot.

Less words, bad mood.

Joe doesn't think it's going to work.

People live by the spirit.

The mood decides the body directly.

Fang Yao is in such a low mood every day that he is prone to physical problems, not to mention his injuries.

We have to find something for him to do! , the fastest update of the webnovel!