You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 464

This is his own aunt. It's very awkward for him to cry. Fang Yao can't fight with his eight strokes, but his cry is very smooth.

It's so thick skinned.

It's worth learning!

The young trees puffed their gills and ate very hard.

After you have a full meal, you have to add a glass of milk.

Mother said, two glasses of milk a day to grow tall.

He doesn't want to be a dwarf.

Little sapling drank milk and looked at Qiao Zui sitting opposite him: "cousin, you are so beautiful. You are more beautiful than big sister!"

Joe is drunk Little cousin, you really have vision, but the last sentence is needless to say, thank you

His force is worth the price!

What a man!

Praise him good-looking, he likes to hear, always add a "big sister" after how to return a responsibility?

"Why?" Little sapling blinked, "cousin, don't you like to be more beautiful than big sister? Then why are you wearing red? Flowers in hand! Only girls like to wear red clothes and flowers! "

Joe is drunk

Since then, rose in red has been black all her life!

Fang Yao looked at the sapling and said, "how old are you, little friend? You're so cute. "

"Right?" The sapling was very small, with a proud face: "I'm five years old, my father also said I'm cute, my father said I grew up eating keaido!"

The smile on Fang Yao's face was stronger. His cold face softened a lot: "your father is right, you are really lovely."

When I live in this villa, I follow up another time and space.

The host and hostess are beautiful, just like heaven and man do not say, a pair of children are just like the little golden children under the immortal seat, even the bodyguards in the family are very handsome.

He suspected that the owner of the family was super yancon, and the ugly people didn't have to.

He would be embarrassed to live here if he didn't grow well.

While Fang Yao was talking to Xiao Shumiao, ye Xingbei gently touched Gu Jun's arm, motioned to him to see Qiao Zui, and asked in a low voice, "is he left-handed?"

Joe has been eating with his left hand.

Gu Junzhu took a look at Qiao Zui's right arm: "have you forgotten?"

Ye Xingbei was surprised: "can't you even take chopsticks?"

Gu Jun nodded: "well."

Ye Xingbei was stunned.

Yesterday, when Joe was drunk, he still supported the wall with his left hand and turned out a rose with his right.

She didn't expect that Joe's right arm was so badly injured that she couldn't even take chopsticks.

When she recovered from her stupor and saw Qiao Zui again, Qiao Zui was already chatting with the sapling.

Look at his flying look, bright eyes, no pain and obscurity after injury.

Is it really free and easy, or pretend not sad?

Anyway, I always care, right?

For example, if her arm is injured and she can no longer play the piano, she will be very sad.

But what happens when you're sad?

She thought about it seriously.

After being sad, I will definitely pack up my mood and pretend that she doesn't care at all, so as not to worry about her for people who love her and care about her.

Now Joe is drunk, is that right?

She looked at Joe drunk, suddenly felt that he was a bit like a hero to defend the country.

At least, he is a real man with responsibility.

Not because of injury, dream disillusionment, on the back.

The smile on his face is still sunny, and his clean eyes are still bright.

He lost something very important to him, but in order not to let his relatives worry about him, he still lives freely.

It is worthy of being a man cultivated by the country. This is the real man! , the fastest update of the webnovel!