You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 371

Ye's grandmother?


She's afraid she won't have a chance to be the young grandmother of the Ye family!

Even if she is not ye Xingli's cousin, knowing that Leng peini wants to kill her, she will not continue to endure.

She can bear to be cold, because Petunia is jealous of her, has a bad attitude towards her and bullies her.

But she can't accept that ye Xingli marries a woman who can maliciously murder others.

And her relationship with ye Xinglan and ye Xingli, she is not ready to hide any more.

No matter Shi Xiling or Leng peini, in front of her, they were both high and defensive.

She wants to see how they react when they know that she and ye Xinglan and ye Xingli are cousins and that she can't marry them at all!


in the evening.

Jiangcheng hotel.

Mrs. Gao's charity dinner is held every year in the largest hotel in Jiangcheng.

Guests who can receive an invitation are proud of it.

Ye Xingbei wearing a water blue dress into the banquet hall, immediately attracted countless attention.

Tonight, the Jiangcheng hotel is full of distinguished guests, celebrities, handsome men and beautiful women. Ye Xingbei walks among them, but still stands out like a rooster.

Leng peini is holding a glass of red wine, standing next to Shi Xiling, talking and laughing with the middle-aged man opposite her. When she sees the middle-aged man standing opposite her, her eyes suddenly stop at a certain point in the distance and freeze. Her eyes burst out with amazing, unbelievable, obsessive and other complex eyes.

She subconsciously followed the middle-aged man's eyes.

Along with the middle-aged man's eyes, she saw walking in the crowd, shining like the bright moon.

Cold Petunia's internal organs were stirred by jealousy and anger.

She clenched her teeth, almost crushing her glass.

Shi Xiling saw that she had a different look, as if she had seen an enemy who killed her father. She followed her eyes, and a cold light flashed in her eyes. Then she quickly returned to normal. "It's from north to north. No wonder it's such a sensation."

Leng peini spat hard, "fox spirit!"

She is different from Shi Xiling.

Shi Xiling is the daughter of a rich family, who is in charge of the family with the Ye family.

And she was only born in an ordinary family, because she had a rich uncle. Through her uncle, she got to know ye Xingli.

In Y country, class concept is more serious than in China.

A girl of her birth, even if she has a rich uncle, can't marry into a rich family.

Ye Xingli is an exception.

Ye Xingli is uninhibited and does not pay attention to family opinions.

In addition, he is the second in the family, so he will not inherit the position of the owner of the Ye family. The Ye family does not attach as much importance to his wife's family background as ye Xinglan.

Therefore, she had the opportunity to be ye Xingli's girlfriend.

She attaches great importance to this opportunity, which is more important than her life.

But unlike Shi Xiling, who has a strong backing from her family, her only advantage is her beautiful appearance.

Shi Xiling is also a pretty lady, but compared with her, she has three or five colors at most.

Even if Shi Xiling was born in a famous family, she could find a sense of balance in her face.

Which man doesn't love beauty?

Since ancient times, there have been many men who love beauty but not rivers and mountains!

Every time she can find the superiority from her appearance in Shi Xiling.

But her sense of superiority completely collapsed when she saw Ye Xingbei. , the fastest update of the webnovel!