You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 370

Ye Xingbei leans on the back of a big and comfortable chair, embraces her arms and looks at Leng peini: "what invitation letter?"

"What are you pretending to be?" Leng peini slapped the table angrily again: "invitation to Mrs. Gao's charity dinner!"

"Don't you have a good ear?" Ye Xingbei glanced at her: "brother Li said that I will attend Mrs. Gao's charity dinner for him!"

"Who are you?" Leng peini was condescending and looked at her with contempt: "does a dog of the Ye family dare to bark at my future hostess? It's only a few days since you came back to China. You don't remember your last name, do you? "

Ye Xing North Cold glances at her one eye, does not talk nonsense with her, presses the inside line: "Arnold, here someone scolds your master son is a dog."

Leng peini waved her hand angrily and swept the inside phone to the ground: "Ye Xingbei, are you crazy?"

She has been used to Ye Xingbei's keeping a distance from her. Today, ye Xingbei changed her previous attitude of obedience to her promise and suddenly became tough, which made her extremely uncomfortable.

What she wants to see is Ye Xingbei, who is just like a servant girl, submissive and scolding in front of her, instead of Ye Xingbei, who is calm and strategic now.

Ye Xingbei's return to China only lasted for a few decades, but it was like a changed person.

It seemed that she was no longer in control.

But only a few seconds, snow knocked on the door, tall and straight posture, cold as javelin, a pair of eyes dark cold Zhan, cold eyes fell on cold penny.

Leng peini shivered involuntarily, and was suddenly surprised.

When she came back to her senses, she realized that she was frightened by a slave. She suddenly burst into a rage, pointed to Ye Xingbei's nose and scolded: "Ye Xingbei, I knew you are not a good thing! I used to pretend to be gentle and obedient, just like people all over the world bullied you. Now you don't take care of Ye's family in your eyes, do you? "

Ye Xingbei is still sitting on the spacious and comfortable office chair. She is charming and elegant. The furious Leng peini is like a mad dog.

Snow strode to her desk and saluted, "miss."

The leaf Star North rushes snow Nuo to smile slightly.

Snow see ye Xingbei smile mean, impolitely grasp cold Penny's arm, backhand twist.

After Leng peini screamed, she twisted her arm behind her and knelt on the ground.

Fragile knee knock on the cold hard ground, pain cold Penny instant out of a cold sweat.

Leng peini screamed: "Ye Xingbei, what are you doing? Are you crazy

"Throw her out," Ye Xingbei told snow: "tell the front desk and security, there is no order from me in the future, Star Palace does not allow cold penny to step forward!"

"Yes! Miss Snow grabs cold penny and pushes her out the door.

Leng peini struggled and yelled: "Ye Xingbei, are you crazy? How dare you do this to me? I'm Ye Xingli's girlfriend, the second daughter-in-law of Ye family in the future! what about you? You are just a dog of Ye family! How dare you treat me like this when you eat, drink and use Ye's food? Ye Xingbei Ah... "

Snow listen to her export is not bad, hand hard, cold Penny screamed again, painful facial features twisted, words can't speak out.

Snow will push her out of the door, backhand for ye Xingbei closed the door.

Ye Xing looks at the closed door in the north, with a cold and sarcastic smile on his lips. , the fastest update of the webnovel!