You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 323

Ye Xingbei's body injury, raised more than a week to go to the ground, the family a big two small two men distressed not.

In particular, xiaoshumiao regards yexingbei as a fragile porcelain. He has to look at yexingbei wrongly.

Just as Xie Yunlin said, ye Xingbei didn't go back to Xie's home after his injury, but chased Gu Junzhu's villa with Gu Jun.

About Xie Wenhui's family, Gu Jun tells Ye Xingbei.

Under the strong pressure of Mr. Xie, Qin Huilan can't wring her arms but her thighs. She is unwilling to divorce Xie Wenhui.

Master Xie decided to give Qin Huilan and Xie motong a two bedroom house, as well as all the savings Qin Huilan and Xie Wenhui had accumulated over the years.

Xie Wenhui and Xie Yumo went back to Xie's home without any belongings.

With Mr. Xie and Mrs. Xie, even if they have no money, they don't have to worry about being thirsty and hungry.

Xie came to the hospital to see ye Xingbei again. He told ye Xingbei about Xie Wenhui's family. What he said was that Xie Yumo had been punished. I hope Ye Xingbei will forgive Xie Yumo.

Ye Xingbei just looked at him and laughed, but did not speak.

Xie Wenhui's family has already suffered from their own misfortune. She will not retaliate against Xie Wenhui's family in the face of master Xie.

As long as Xie Wenhui's family doesn't provoke her any more, she can pretend that she doesn't know the four people.

But it is absolutely impossible for her to live under the same roof as Xie Yumo.

So, after she left hospital, she refused the invitation of Mr. Xie and Mrs. Xie and lived in Gu Junzhu's villa.

Master Xie was very disappointed with her decision, but he had nothing to do.

Ye Xingbei rested in Gu Junzhu's villa for another week. On a fine weekend, he and Gu Junzhu left the capital with saplings and Lingyue and returned to Jiangcheng.

Back to Gu Junzhu's villa in Jiangcheng, ye Xingbei is a little depressed.

In the evening, the two children all went to sleep. Gu Jun pressed the man under his body and bit her lip: "what's the matter? Depressed? "

Ye Xingbei raised his hand to touch his face: "so obvious?"

"Fortunately," Gu Jun bit her face, "it's OK to fool two children, it's far from me."

Leaf Star North "cut" a, push him, "you belong to wolf? How to eat what you see? I've got night cream on my face. I'll poison you

"No wonder it's so fragrant," Gu Jun said, kissing her white face and biting her lips. "In order to avoid making you a widow, I'd better chew here. It must be pure green and pollution-free."

Her lips are moist, soft, elastic, sweet and delicious!

Leaf Star North push him, "don't make, don't make, I'm tired, sleep."

"What sleep?" Gu Jun holds the rabbit: "you haven't said why you are not happy!"

“…… Get out of here Ye Xingbei overturned him on the bed, pressed his hands and raised his face: "I'll turn over again!"

Seeing that ye Xingbei is really in a bad mood, Gu Junzhu no longer teases her and holds her hand, "come on, let's listen, because what's not happy? Husband, help you

The leaf Star North "cuts" a, white he one eye, lie straight body, looking at the roof, lose to say: "I just feel, the sky is big, there is no real my home......"

She sighed, "before I go to the capital, I'm looking forward to I used to feel very warm when I read the words of grandparents in the story. Although I haven't met them, they are my relatives in my mind. The place where they are is my home. But when I really met them, I found that I was too naive before... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!