You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 322

Xie Yunlin nodded, "Xiaofei is right, we have no qualification, the name is not right, the words are not right."

"I'll tell them that I worked hard for the Xie family. I'll give it to whoever I like. If they dare to make trouble again, they'll all go away!" Old man Xie waved, "forget it, just take good care of the company. I will take good care of your uncle and Mo Mo in the future."

Xie left, Xie Yunlin and Xie Jinfei looked at each other, did not go back with him, turned back to the ward of Ye Xingbei.

Their sister is still injured.

They return to Ye Xingbei's ward and find that ye Xingbei is asleep.

The saplings lie next to Ye Xingbei and are also asleep.

Gu Jun sits by Ye Xingbei's bed, his face is tired, but he still sits lazily.

They went to Gu Junzhu.

Xie Yunlin asked softly, "why did you fall asleep again?"

"It's very painful. I used some sleeping pills." Gu Junzhu's voice is very light, but it's hard to hide his heartache.

Ye Xingbei had good luck. He didn't break his arm or leg or disfigure himself.

But from such a high place to fall down, the whole body up and down soft tissue contusion countless.

She was very tolerant. She didn't cry or scream. She could chat with the sapling like a child. But in fact, her clothes were soaked with cold sweat.

He really can't go on, let Gu Qingrun open some of the body is not harmful to the analgesic sleeping drugs.

With one shot, she soon fell asleep.

Sapling didn't sleep well yesterday. Seeing his mother asleep, he nestled up to his mother and soon fell asleep.

Ling Yue is taken out by master Xiang to exchange feelings.

Gu Chi advised Gu Junzhu to sleep for a while, but he didn't know what was wrong with him. He just sat by Ye Xingbei's bed, staring at Ye Xingbei. He was very sleepy, but he didn't want to go to sleep.

See his sister fell asleep, Xie Yunlin and Xie Jinfei didn't stay much, the Xie Wenhui family affairs and Gu Jun by briefly said, told him ye Xingbei if there is anything, must inform them, they left.

Seeing off Xie Yunlin and Xie Jinfei and returning to Ye Xingbei's bedside, Gu Junzhu's eyes fixed on Ye Xingbei's pale and quiet sleeping face for a long time, bent down and kissed Ye Xingbei's eyebrows.

His thin, cool lips stayed in the center of Ye Xingbei's eyebrows for a long time before he left.

Staring at her for a while, thin lips all the way down, fell on her lips.

Her lips are very soft, like jelly, like marshmallow.

Between the breath is a faint aroma, such as blue, such as Tan, attracted people want to explore more deeply.

Afraid that she would wake up with pain, Gu Jun gradually suppressed the impulse to go deep and sat back in his chair.

He took her hand gently.

Beautiful hands, too.

Slender and white, soft as boneless.

He took her hand to his lips and gave it a kiss. His mind turned around and there was only one thought: Fortunately, she was OK!

When he saw her lying under the escalator, he felt his heart stopped beating.

Since she and sapling came to him, the world that had been dull in his eyes before suddenly became lively and colorful.

Every small day is sweet and delicious.

He hasn't had enough of that life.

If she had an accident, he would have been beaten back to the original.


Fortunately, she lay well beside him, within his reach.

In the future, he will protect her more carefully and never let her be hurt.


Maybe we should choose a female bodyguard.

Snow takes care of small trees more than Xiaobei.

Male bodyguards are so annoying. Female bodyguards are better , the fastest update of the webnovel!