You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 245

Even Ling Yue, she is distressed.

She raised her hand to touch Ling Yue's head and said piteously, "Xiao Yue, I'm not in a hurry to practice martial arts. There will be plenty of time in the future. Nothing is important to my body. Let's take good care of my body first, OK?"

The tenderness and compassion in her eyes were obvious.

Since grandma died, no one has seen him with such tender and loving eyes.

Ling Yue's chest is warm and hot, his nose is sour, and his eyes are hot and humid.

He was afraid of tears, and quickly lowered his head, "I know, auntie, I listen to you."

"Good boy Ye Xingbei stood up and patted his head: "go, go back with aunt, let's drink some water and eat some fruit."

She also touched the back of her son's head: "little tree, did you eat any fruit today?"

"Not yet!" The little guy crowded between Ye Xingbei and Lingyue, holding Ye Xingbei in one hand and Ling Yue in the other, smiling: "eat with mom and brother Xiaoyue!"

After a pause, he said, "send dad to his study! "

Ye Xingbei".... "

Son, you can't forget your cheap father for any good thing!

Back in the living room, ye Xingbei peeled the fruit.

The first set was sent to the study by the little guy.

A moment later, Gu Jun one by one holding the fruit tray, one hand holding the little guy, came out of the study and sat down beside Ye Xingbei, "how do you feel? Can I go out at night? "

Ye Xingbei gave him a white look.

I want to say no, but I think his brothers are innocent.

There's no reason to let those innocent people down because of this bastard. She said it and swallowed it.

Gu Jun looked at her up and down: "forget it. I'll let them get together by themselves. I'll stay with you at home."

"No," Ye Xingbei said coldly, "it's OK at night anyway. Take Xiaoshu and Xiaoyue out to have a rest."

Children love to play and make trouble. When they come here, they don't have to go to school. It's better to take them around than to be bored at home.

The little guy looked at Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei, then turned his face and asked Gu Junzhu, "Dad, did you make mom angry?"

Gu Jun coughed: "No."

"There must be!" The little guy jumped down from the sofa, jumped into his arms, grabbed his shoulder and shook: "Dad, mom is angry, you quickly say sorry to mom!"

Gu Junzhu

It's really a cheap son!

To the critical moment, or toward his mother!

He glanced at Ye Xingbei, grabbed a piece of fruit and handed it to Ye Xingbei: "taste this, sweet."

The little guy nestles in Gu Jun's arms, blinks his eyes and looks forward to Ye Xingbei.

Be small guy son covetous stare at, leaf Star North helpless, can only open mouth to eat fruit.

The little guy was relieved, smiling and slapping: "mom is not angry! Dad, bang bang

Ye Xingbei

What's so good about that asshole?

I really want to drop the table!

Gu Jun chuckles, hugs the little guy and kisses him.

The little guy was pricked by his beard and giggled itchily. He rolled into his arms and rubbed: "Dad, the beard has grown out. It's time to shave!"

Ye Xingbei has a curious look.


It's white, it's clean, and it doesn't have a beard.

Gu Jun caught a glimpse of her curious eyes, grabbed her hand, and pressed it on his chin. "Yes, it's just shaved in the morning, and it grows out again."

As a man, his beard grows fast, which shows that he is full of manliness!

Hearing the pride in his tone, ye Xingbei smoked.

Is the beard growing fast?

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