You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 244

Ye Xingbei

That's not what she meant, okay?

Leaf Star North gnash teeth, in Gu Jun by shoulder hard bite.

I knew she shouldn't have let this bastard get away with it from the first time.

Ever since this asshole got away with it, this asshole has been eating the marrow, and it's endless.

I want to castrate him!

The result of excessive exercise is that people are really warm, but they are tired and have no strength. After taking a bath with their eyes closed, ye Xingbei falls asleep without any process.

When she woke up, it was dark.

She opened her eyes, confused for a while, and then remembered where she was now and what had happened before.

She did not move, the little guy has climbed over, lying on her side, tilted his head to see her: "Mom, do you still hurt?"

The leaf Star North immediately laughed, kiss his tender small face egg son: "don't ache."

The little guy patted his chest and said happily, "Dad's medicine is the best! Brother Xiaoyue said, "he doesn't hurt any more."

Ye Xingbei

I want to yell at her son: don't mention that sulfur hooligan to me!

In fact, she put up a gentle smile and rubbed her son's head: "yes, Dad's medicine is the best, and it won't hurt if you put it on."

The villain in Ye Xingbei's mind growls angrily: Gu Jun chases you bastard, bullies me and makes me praise you in front of my son. If I don't get back tonight, I'll give you my family name later!

The little guy's eyes flickered curiously, looking at Ye Xingbei and asked, "Mom, what are you doing with your teeth? Are your teeth uncomfortable? "

Ye Xingbei Not at all? Baby, where's brother Xiaoyue? "

The little guy was distracted and said with pride: "brother Xiaoyue and brother snow are learning kung fu in the garden! If the little tree wants to ask her mother if it hurts, she will come back to accompany her! "

Ye Xingbei's heart was soft as cotton candy, and he gave his son a kiss: "the little tree is so good!"

She asked, "where's dad?"

The little guy said with a distressed face: "dad works in the study, Dad can work hard!"

Ye Xingbei

What a pain!

It's so hard that I won't be beaten as soon as I get to bed!

Thinking of her in front of the child, thinking of those indescribable pictures, ye Xingbei blushed, coughed and asked sapling to wait for her in bed. She went to wash and change her clothes.

After coming back, ye Xingbei takes sapling's little hand downstairs and goes to the garden to find Ling Yue.

If you want to learn martial arts, build up your body and defend yourself, ye Xingbei has no objection.

But the child just hurt his hand at noon. Ye Xingbei is afraid that he will hurt himself in his eagerness for quick success and instant benefit.

See her lead sapling to come over, is teaching Ling Yue snow Norton when accept move, toward her to greet a few steps, salute to her.

Ye Xingbei said hello to him, walked up to Lingyue and squatted down to look at his hand: "Xiaoyue, how can you practice martial arts now? My hand is still injured. Why don't you wait to practice again? "

"Already good," Ling Yue extended his hand to Ye Xingbei to see: "aunt, I like to practice martial arts, just like playing games, I like it very much!"

He wants to be strong.

Eager to be like snow, a dozen.

When he's as strong as snow, he can protect the people he wants to protect.

He wants to protect the tree and its mother all his life, and never let the bad guys bully them again!

Ye Xingbei grabs Ling Yue's hand and looks at it carefully.

The knuckles are swollen, but still a little blue.

If sapling is injured like this, she is afraid that she is reluctant to let sapling take chopsticks and do everything for him. How can she let him practice martial arts? , the fastest update of the webnovel!