You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 228

Seeing Xiang Jie's super spirit and fierce feelings, Xu Yanlai shrank and flashed some dissatisfaction in his eyes.

Seeing that Xiang jiechao was not moved because she was his own sister, Xu Yanlai straightened up, put away the sad color on his face, slightly picked up the corners of his lips, and provoked some contempt, "Xiang jiechao, what are you yelling at me? Don't you understand? Your future destiny is in my hand

Xu Yan came to look at him and sneered, "in the future, if you cooperate with me, we will be close brothers and sisters. Naturally, I will keep a secret for you, but if you still dare to treat me like that, ha..."

She sneered and said contemptuously, "I am the daughter of the Xu family. You are the son of the Xu family. We are brothers and sisters. You are nothing more than me! If you dare to be rude to me, I will report you to Xiang xiongyi!

I want Xiang xiongyi to know that his most precious son is not his seed. You are just a fake. There is not a trace of Xiang family's blood in your veins! "

"You dare!" Xiang Jie's eyes are fierce and his face is ferocious.

Xu Yanlai looked at him sarcastically and said, "yes, you're right, I dare! I know that you, the successor of the Xiang family, have the power and ability to let me die quietly. However, Xiang jiechao, I tell you... "

She leaned forward and said sarcastically, "before I came here, I gave a recorder to a very famous lawyer. I told the lawyer that if I suddenly died, I would let the lawyer expose the contents of the recorder!"

She also stood up and looked at Xiang jiechao: "Xiang jiechao, I'm defending you. Don't try to kill people!

If I die, the news that you are not Xiang xiongyi's son will fly all over the sky immediately. By then, you will have no place to die! The child named Ling Yue will take you instead of him

"You You... " Xiang jiechao's face was pale and trembled: "Xu Yanlai, what do you want?"

"What else can I have?" Xu Yan said, "I want money! Besides, I want you to help the Jiang family through the difficulties! "

"Are you crazy?" Xiang jiechao said angrily: "the Xiang family is still my father's master. If I give you a lot of money for no reason, with my father's intelligence, it won't be long before we can find out the relationship between you and me. At that time, you and I and all the Xu family will go to hell!"

"OK, I'm not in a hurry," Xu Yanlai said. "Xiang jiechao, I want you to sign an agreement with me. After you inherit the Xiang family's property, share it equally with me!

Xiang jiechao, you are a smart man. You should understand that only if you and my interests are tied together, I will fight to keep your secret! "

"Xu Yanlai, are you crazy?" Xiang jiechao's eyes widened and he couldn't believe Xu Yanlai's greed.

His father is in a high position.

His grandmother's family was once a merchant of the emperor, who managed for generations and left behind a huge family property.

His mother is the only daughter of his grandparents. After his mother's death, he will inherit all his grandmother's huge family property.

Although his father wanted him to be a politician in the past, his grandmother's company was temporarily taken care of by a professional manager, now it has nothing to do with him.

But a while ago, because of his daughter, he was taken away for investigation.

Although he was released by his father, he could not keep his job.

In fact, he didn't like that job at all. If his father didn't want him to go into business, he would have taken over his grandmother's property.

Isn't it more glamorous to be president of such a huge multinational company than to be a small official in a government department? , the fastest update of the webnovel!