You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 227

I think that one day, the truth will come to light that the wealth of Putian will be far away from him, and it has nothing to do with him.

The identity of the Xiang family's successor will belong to a stranger who has nothing to do with him. He is cold all over and his heart aches like blood dripping.



Xiang family is his, he won't give it to anyone!

Evil eyes flashed from his eyes. He stared at Xu Yanlai and asked coldly, "since you changed me to Xiang's family and didn't want me, why do you want to find me now?"

He would rather never know this secret, be a fool all his life, and always think that he is the most orthodox successor of Xiang family!

"Brother, mom didn't want you back then!" With tears in his eyes, Xu Yanlai looked at Xiang jiechao and said with emotion: "brother, children are the flesh of mother's heart. How can mother be willing not to have you?

It's really that you were born prematurely and only three catties after birth. Our family's conditions are not good. If your mother takes you home, she will not be able to support you.

Mom didn't want to see you die, so she changed you and Xiang's daughter.

When my mother did it, she also took great risks.

Brother, if you think about it, Xiang's family is in a high position. If Xiang's family knows that their mother has taken away their daughter with you, they will definitely not spare their mother!

Mother these years, see you in Xiang's home, mother also rest assured.

Mom asked me to contact you because she knew something happened to Xiaozi.

Xiaozi is her mother's granddaughter. Knowing that Xiaozi has been put into prison is more painful than cutting her mother's heart! "

Xu Yanlai wiped his tears, "brother, my mother changed you to Xiang family in those years, all for your life! It's also because your mother changed you to Xiang's family. These years, you can live so well in Xiang's family, can't you?

The only heir of Xiang family, I don't know how many people envy you! All these are given to you by mom, brother. You can't forget mom's kindness to you! "

Xiang jiechao's face was livid with anger in his heart. "For my sake? For my good, she should rot this secret in her stomach all her life. Why tell you? "

Xiang jiechao has long known that Xu Yanlai, who claims to be his own sister, is not a good person.

He said that he came to recognize his daughter Xiang Bingzi.

I don't know!

His daughter was sent to prison by Gu Junzhu. His father, who is in a high position, can't help him. What can the little Xu family do?

It's nice to talk about, but it's just for the sake of catching up with him and seeking benefits!

Xu Yanlai looked at Xiang jiechao with an injured face: "brother, we are brothers and sisters of the same father and mother. We are close relatives. How can sister bear to keep you in the dark all your life and not know who your own parents are?"

"Enough!" Xiang jiechao slapped the table hard, "Xu Yan, why do you come to me? You have something to say. Don't beat around the bush with me. I don't want to eat that!"

I can't bear to keep him in the dark. I don't know who his parents are?

He is now in his forties. He has always regarded Xiang xiongyi as his own father.

He also wants to know that Xiang xiongyi is his own father all his life, and he doesn't know his real life experience.

The Xu family, whose native place is unknown, is not fit to carry shoes for him. Do you want him to recognize his biological parents? , the fastest update of the webnovel!