You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 211

The little fellow was determined to die.

The little guy hugs Ye Xingbei's neck, his face is close to Ye Xingbei's face, and his small body makes Ye Xingbei drill in his arms: "as long as the mother is a little tree, don't be a mother!"

Yan Jingxue patted his little ass and looked at Ye Xingbei with envy on his face: "Beibei, I envy you so much. How do you raise a child? I really want one!"

Ye Xingbei gave his son a kiss on the face and said with a smile, "you're old enough to fall in love and get married quickly. If it's fast, you can be a mother in a year."

"I Pooh!" Yan Jingxue spat: "don't curse me! I don't want to find a man because I haven't had enough time for a bachelor. "

Ye Xingbei shrugged: "how can you have a baby if you don't find a man? You can't make it yourself

"Who said that?" Yan Jingxue said: "you are "

Ye Xingbei interrupted her quickly:" Xiaoxue, is grandfather Yan better? "

"Ah Ah Yan Jingxue aware of their own slip, quickly said: "much better."

She saw Ling Yue standing beside Ye Xingbei, her eyes lit up, "Beibei, who is this child? Do you have any relatives? How handsome

The most beautiful little doll she had ever seen was a sapling.

This child is no less than a sapling. His beautiful features are like a jade doll.

Ye Xingbei said with a smile, "his name is Lingyue. He's a good friend of Xiaoshu. Just call him Xiaoyue."

Ye Xingbei touched Ling Yue's head: "Xiaoyue, she is aunt Beibei's classmate. You can call her aunt Xiaoxue later."

Ling Yue looked at Yan Jingxue and said politely: "aunt Xiaoxue is good."

"No!" Yan Jingxue waved her hand, "either call aunt Xiaoxue, or call sister Xiaoxue, don't call aunt Xiaoxue! Aunt Xiaoxue calls me old. I'm only 18 years old this year! "

Ye Xingbei said to her, "you said you were eighteen last year."

Xiao Shumiao put his arms around Ye Xingbei's neck, twisted his face and looked at her seriously: "the year before last, he said eighteen! It's wrong to lie! "

Yan Jingxue

Ling Yue is good at helping her out: "aunt Xiaoxue is good."

"Good boy Yan Jingxue touched the body: "aunt out of the urgent, did not bring a gift, back to your aunt to make up."

One by one, she touched the little faces of the two little guys. "Go home with my aunt. There are so many delicious things in my aunt's house for you to eat!"

The little guy slipped down from ye Xingbei's arms, holding Ye Xingbei in one hand and Ling Yue in the other hand, and went to the villa with Yan Jingxue.

Snow followed with the present.

Ye Xingbei wants to talk to Yan Jingxue in private. She coaxes xiaoshumiao and Ling Yue to follow xuenuo. She walks side by side with Yan Jingxue and asks, "how is Grandpa Yan?"

"Much better," the smile on Yan Jingxue's face faded: "it's just that I'm old You understand

Ye Xingbei nodded.

No matter how severe a person is, he can't escape from life, old age, illness and death.

Yan Jingxue said: "I plan to spend more time at home this time and accompany my grandfather more. I'm afraid I'll go abroad again. If my grandfather has something, if I can't come back, I'll regret it all my life."

"Well," Ye Xingbei nodded, "I support you."

In this world, nothing is more important than loving one's family.

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