You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 210

Gu Jun looked at her and was surprised: "Ye Xiaobei, you've been sleeping with me for several times, but you still don't have feelings with me! Why are you so cold-blooded? "

Ye Xingbei Get out of here

Gu Jun said: "honey, the bed is so big. I'll roll on you as soon as I roll! Are you sure you invited me sincerely? "

Ye Xingbei ran to tears Sleep

She said one more word to him, she is a pig!

She turned over, turned her back to Gu Junzhu, pulled the blanket and covered her head.

Gu Jun chuckled and pulled the blanket off her head. "Honey, don't cover your head with the quilt. The air is bad. Even saplings know this. How can you be inferior to children? I'm worried about being so big Well, what can you do without me? "

Ye Xingbei

She would have lived for decades without it!

She is in the heart abdomen Fei, on the mouth actually does not say a word, motionless lies pretending to be dead.

Gu Jun rubbed her head, closed her eyes and said, "good night, see you tomorrow!"

It's so interesting to have ye Xiaobei. Every day is so exciting and full of vitality.


It's nice to have a wife!


the next day, Xie Yunlin and Xie Jinfei discussed taking Ye Xingbei, xiaoshumiao and Lingyue to the scenic spots near the capital.

Ye Xingbei said that she had an appointment with a friend, so they had to give up.

Several big men are all working people. They are all busy people. After breakfast, Gu Junzhu, Xie Yunlin and Xie Jinfei all went to the company.

Ye Xingbei sat with Mr. Xie and Mrs. Xie for a while, and took sapling and Ling Yue out to Yan's house.

Yan Jingxue's grandfather is ill. Ye Xingbei has an appointment with Yan Jingxue and is going to visit Yan's family today.

Snow drive, more than half an hour later, they arrived at Yan villa.

Yan Jingxue has been waiting outside the gate.

Ye Xingbei with two children get off the car, Yan Jingxue did not have time to say hello to Ye Xingbei, just a small sapling into his arms, turn a few circles, and ruthlessly in his tender face on the kiss several: "little tree baby, want to die aunt, aunt dream of you, do you want to aunt?"

The little guy obediently nodded his head: "I think about it, I think about my aunt."

"Good boy Yan Jingxue kisses him again: "since xiaoshubao thinks about her aunt so much, why don't you recognize her as a godmother? If you recognize your aunt as a godmother, you will be your aunt's son, and your aunt will accompany you every day! "

The little guy twists his little body and reaches out to Ye Xingbei: "Mom, hold it!"

He rushes leaf Star North hard to earn, Yan Jingxue almost can't hold, quickly give the little guy to leaf Star North.

The little guy put his arms around Ye Xingbei's neck and didn't let go. He twisted his face and looked at Yan Jingxue. He stretched his little face and said, "the little tree has only one mother. I don't want to be accompanied by my aunt. I want to be accompanied by my mother!"

Yan Jingxue stretched out her hand to cover her chest and hurt her face: "you have no conscience. Your aunt hurts you so much. Why don't you want to be a son to your aunt?"

From the moment she saw the sapling, she was astonished Er Baby!

After getting familiar with Ye Xingbei, she can't wait to be a godmother for xiaoshumiao.

Who knows, ye Xingbei didn't say anything, but was rejected by the little guy with a nervous face.

She and ye Xingbei have known each other for some time. During that time, she abducted the little guy countless times and asked him to be her son. So far, she has failed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!