You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 186

Xie Yunlin didn't say that Gu Jun would come.

So, when the Xie family saw Gu Junzhu, Xie Yunlin and Xie Jinfei walking in together, they were still followed by a girl they didn't know and two children. The Xie family were all surprised.

Seeing Gu Junzhu, Mr. Xie and Mrs. Xie look a little ugly.

After all, their granddaughter, Xiang Bingzi, was just caught in prison because of Gu Junzhu.

Gu Junzhu didn't give them any face.

Although Xiang Bingzi is to blame, the most shameful is also Xiang family, but it is also Xie family's granddaughter after all, Xie family also followed to die, lost a lot of face.

Xiang Bingzi is so bad that Mr. Xie and Mrs. Xie have no face to fight for her innocence.

They don't mind what to judge.

But what's the matter with the Internet?

So shameful thing, make the whole city storm, people all know, put their Xie family and Xiang family face all to lose light.

They had never met Gu Junzhu, who was so careless. They had no respect for the relationship between the two families.

These days, Mr. and Mrs. Xie are so shy that they can't even get out of the door. They are afraid that they will be laughed at after they go out. They keep at home every day, hoping that the spotlight will pass soon.

Now I see Gu Junzhu. It's strange that he has a good face.

However, no matter how indifferent I am, Gu Junzhu's position is there.

Even if the old man and the old lady hate Gu Jun's itching teeth, they dare not drive people out.

Xie Jiaqi didn't hate Gu Junzhu much.

They don't have much affection for Xiang Bingzi. It doesn't matter whether Xiang Bingzi is unlucky or lucky.

Especially Xie Mo Tong and Wu Wen's poems, when they see Gu Jun Zhu, their eyes are bright.

They are all expensive women in the capital. They are old enough to talk about marriage.

They come from a good family and naturally want to marry better. Gu Junzhu is one of their goals.

At the moment, seeing Gu Junzhu as elegant and beautiful as a relegated immortal, they are confused with each other. Their eyebrows and eyes are full of spring, and their faces are red. They are racking their brains to think about how to brush their favor in front of Gu Junzhu later.

Xie Yunlin accompanied several people into the living room. First, he said hello to the Xie family one by one. Then he looked at Mr. Xie and Mrs. Xie and said, "Grandpa and grandma, I have good news for you when I come back this time."

Because he followed the surname of the Xie family, he called his grandparents grandparents these years.

Master Xie looked at Gu Jun one by one: "you have good news to tell us, what are you doing with Xiao Zhu?"

Originally some nervous Ye Xingbei was almost amused by this name.


Little Pig?

Feeling the change of her mood, Gu Jun took a look at her one by one.

Ye Xingbei and Gu Junzhu look at each other, trying to suppress a smile, eyes are teasing.

Gu Jun by Yang Yang eyebrow, think ye Xiaobei a face of bad, head certainly did not think good.

However, she has a bad look, smart and lovely, especially attractive. If there were not too many people here, he would hold people in his arms and kiss them like that.

The leaf Star North sees his vision suddenly glide down, fall on own lips, immediately blush, light spat a, turn an eye to ignore him.

Xie motong and Wu Wenshi have been staring at Gu Junzhu.

Seeing Gu Junzhu and the girl standing next to him, they were very uncomfortable. Looking at Ye Xingbei, they were hostile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!