You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 185

Gu Junzhu saw her little rabbit, straight and slender, with two big white legs, half covered and half dressed.

His whole body's blood boiling, fierce will ye Xingbei pounce under the body.

A few hours later, ye Xingbei felt what it meant to be self inflicted.

She was irritated by Gu Wu ye, tossing to death.

Gu Junzhu gave her a bath. She closed her eyes and bit Gu Junzhu on the shoulder. Then she didn't open her eyes. Gu Junzhu put her back on the pillow and she fell asleep.

The next day, she got up late, and had no time to settle accounts with that bastard, so she took care of the two children in a hurry.

After dinner, it's time for her to make an appointment with Xie Yunlin and Xie Jinfei.

Several people will meet at the airport and fly to the capital.

After arriving in the capital, the Xie family has sent a car to meet them at the airport.

After getting on the bus, the car drove to Xie's villa.

More than half an hour later, the car drove into a villa area.

A few minutes later, the car slowed down slowly in front of a villa.

Automatic induction door, slowly left and right apart.

The car drove into the villa, across the beautiful courtyard and stopped in the open space in front of the living room.

Xie's bodyguard came to open the door quickly.

After getting off, Xie Yunlin stood at the door of the car, waiting for Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei to get off.

Under the strong demand of sapling, Ling Yue was also brought here.

This time in Beijing, ye Xingbei wants to take her children around in addition to recognizing their relatives.

The capital is the capital of the country, and there are many places of interest, which are very worthy of children's good look around.

It is better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books.

With this opportunity, she hopes Ling Yue can come out and have a look.

Ling Yue didn't want to come, but he couldn't bear the young tree's tearful pleading. Finally, he nodded and agreed.

He likes this family very much. He especially hopes that Xiaoshu is his brother, and Xiaoshu's parents are his parents.

But he knew it was impossible.

He's just an outsider.

He will leave sooner or later.

He didn't dare to ask too much of the family. He was afraid of giving them trouble and making them hate him.

They are the best people to him except grandma.

They are very precious, very precious to him.

In their mind, maybe he is just a passer-by.

But in his mind, they are the most precious people in the world.

More precious than his father.

If it wasn't for the tearful pleading of the little tree, if he didn't come, he would cry out, he wouldn't come.

He's not qualified to be here.

Ye Xingbei knows that the child is sensible and sensitive, and takes care of his emotions everywhere.

After getting out of the car, she took the tree in one hand and he in the other. She spoke to them in a soft voice, considerate.

Mr. Gu followed them with some resentment.

Even a small thing, this one more, completely occupied his position.

Eight years old I'll be ten in two years.

Good feeding, 10-year-old children, like half a teenager.

A child who has grown up to be half a teenager is embarrassed to let his wife hold hands, right?


That's it.

When you go back, give the chef more tasks. Make sure to feed Lingyue that little thing early.

Then his wife won't hold his hand!

How clever he is!

Gu Wuye secretly plans to go into Xie's living room after ye Xingbei and the two little ones.

Because Xie Yunlin said that when he came back today, he had something important to announce, so that all his family must be present. So at this moment, all his family are here. , the fastest update of the webnovel!