You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 183

She bought more than 20 sets for her two children, and Ling Yue said "enough, don't buy any more" in a row.

When passing through the men's monopoly, ye Xingbei's eyes were attracted by a white shirt with dark gold stripes on the model.

A thought suddenly appeared in her mind: Gu Jun must look very nice wearing this shirt.

Subconsciously, she stopped, turned around and walked into the store.

She felt the fabric of the dress. It was very comfortable and looked at the price. Well, although it was not as high-end as Gu Wuye's personal customization, it was just so so, and it didn't fall too much.

She pointed to Gu Junzhu and asked the waiter, "do you have his size?"

The waiter saw that these four people were even more beautiful and noble than movie stars. He was dazed for a long time. He was thinking about the relationship between these four people. Hearing Ye Xingbei's question, he nodded: "yes, yes, yes."

She took out a new one and handed it to Ye Xingbei: "this one is suitable."

Ye Xingbei took his shirt and compared it with Gu Junzhu. His cheek was slightly red and he was a little embarrassed, but he pretended to be calm, pretended to be nothing, and asked: "I think it must look good on you. Do you like it? Like me to send you! "

Gu Junzhu thought she was going to buy a gift for Xie Yunlin and Xie Jinfei. He pointed to him and used him as a model to give the waiter a reference.

He did not expect that ye Xingbei was going to buy clothes for him.

suddenly he has the final say of joy, and picks up his clothes and touches it. "Well, it's fine, and feels comfortable." Ye Xiao Bei, you are a popular circle. You have a good eye. What do you want me to wear?

Ye Xingbei

She finally saw what it means to hit a snake with a stick today.

She just wanted to buy a dress for him on a whim. In the future, she would be in charge of his clothes.

Good idea!

Ye Xing North gouged out his eye, "you dream!"

She doesn't know who has tried on her new clothes. She never tries them on close to her body when she buys them. At most, she measures them visually and takes them when they are suitable.

She also didn't let Gu Jun try one by one. After a little comparison, she asked the waiter to pack the clothes.

When the waiter was packing, she saw another pair of trousers.

Good things come in pairs. It's just for Mr. Gu.

She took the pair of trousers and compared them with Gu Junzhu. She thought they were suitable. She asked the waiter to help her get the right size. She paid by credit card.

Gu Junzhu didn't rob her.

Of course, ye Xiaobei has to pay for the clothes that ye Xiaobei bought for him.

The clothes Ye Xiaobei bought for him Well, it's no worse than those personal customization!

Paid the money, ye Xingbei looked at the string of zeros that had been brushed off on the ticket, and the flesh hurt.

A ragged shirt and a pair of ragged trousers are more expensive than the sum of more than 20 sets of clothes for two children.

In the future, we still have to work hard and make good money. Money is not spent and it costs too much to raise a man!

After buying clothes, Gu Junzhu bought some toys for the two children.

Big purchase contact, two children tired, ye Xingbei also tired.

At the strong request of sapling, Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei take their two children to KFC on the first floor.

They say KFC is junk food, but children like it.

Saplings have never eaten before.

Ye Xingbei used to say that nothing could make him eat this kind of food.

After staying with Gu Junzhu for a period of time, sapling ate too much food that he hadn't eaten before. When he came in, he saw KFC and immediately thought about it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!