You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 182

"I'll go too!" The sapling threw the game handle and got up to chase it.

After a few steps, he turned back and said to Ling Yue: "brother Xiaoyue, go on, change clothes, go shopping, let dad buy us ice cream!"

Ye Xingbei forgot to accept Gu Junzhu and looked at him with a straight face, "Xiaoshu, who said that I bought you ice cream? Children can't eat ice cream! "

The little guy ran to her, put his hands together, and suddenly flashed his big eyes. He begged her pitifully: "Mom, you are the best, the best, just eat one, a small one!"

Ye Xingbei's heart softened.

Before, her son was obedient.

She is what she says and never bargains.

If the child is disobedient, she should be angry.

But facing her son, who can talk, laugh and act coquettishly, she just feels happy and can't get angry at all.

"Ghost spirit!" She poked the little guy in the head, "only half! One and a half with mom! "

"Good!" The little guy was overjoyed and nodded his head: "just half of it!"

Before, let alone half, his mother did not allow him to eat a bite.

It would be great to eat half of it!

Change clothes, two big two small start together, destination, Jiangcheng largest shopping mall.

Women like shopping, so do children.

In particular, in the past, xiaoshumiao had allergic asthma. Ye Xingbei over protected him and never allowed him to go to crowded places.

This is the first time for Xiao Shumiao to go shopping with his parents and his favorite brother Xiaoyue!

He happily became a little lunatic, holding his father in his left hand and his mother in his right hand, chattering and laughing.

After a while, he looked back at Ling Yue and said, "brother Xiaoyue, hurry up!"

Small appearance seems to be afraid of losing his little brother Yue.

Ye Xingbei thinks her son is very nice.

So small to know how to take care of people, considerate and careful, is a small sun!

Seeing that her son wants to lead her and Gu Junzhu, she also wants to grow a third hand and lead Ling Yue. She simply waves to Ling Yue, calls Ling Yue over and holds Ling Yue's hand.

Ling Yue was a little nervous, and his palms were sweating quickly, but he was not willing to break free.

Ye Xingbei gently praised him: "darling, I'll buy new clothes for you and Xiaoshu and ice cream for you later."

Gu Jun looked down at the little white hands of the small and medium-sized saplings in his palm, and then looked at Ye Xingbei holding Ling Yue's little hands. He was not happy.

Ye Xingbei is just holding the hand of the sapling. What's the matter with the little thing that comes out suddenly?

He should be standing in the middle, with Ye Xiaobei in his left hand and sapling in his right!

But Seeing that he is a big man, a big man can't haggle with women and children, he tolerated it!

In the next few days, Gu Wuye was addicted to the local tyrant. What did ye Xingbei and his two children like? Without saying a word, he waved his hand and bought it.

After a short time, Gu Chi, snow and the other two bodyguards carried all the things in their hands.

The two kids are so beautiful. When they go to the high-end children's clothing counter, they pick up one and let the two kids have a try. It's very beautiful. They are made up of powder and jade. The elves are lovely and attract customers who pass by.

Ye Xingbei is not bad for money. Like all the women in the world, her body is overflowing with the power of crazy shopping.

If she can't stop it, it's out of control. , the fastest update of the webnovel!