You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 176

The more she thought, the more confused she was. Finally, she scratched her head.

Forget it. Forget it.

I don't want to.

Anyway, she has made up her mind to manage this marriage well. It's better to have a lifetime with Gu Jun.

Sleep on sleep, don't you let Gu Jun change his left hand for his right hand one by one?

that's impossible!

She shakes her head hard. She shakes the confused thoughts out of her mind. She gets up, washes, changes her clothes and goes downstairs.

As soon as she reached the corner of the stairs, she heard her son's clear and sweet laughter.

Her mood suddenly flew up, heart flowers in that moment open colorful, last night's things, immediately she left behind.

She likes this life!

She also likes Gu Junzhu who brings her this kind of life.

Since two people each take what they need, Gu Jun will sleep well if he wants to. Anyway, he is a legal husband and wife, and no one will suffer!

She came downstairs with light and cheerful steps. When the sapling saw her, he immediately waved his hand to her with a smile: "Mom, mom, brother Xiaoyue and I learned martial arts with my father in the morning. My father said that brother Xiaoyue and I are both geniuses!"

The little guy looked at her with big eyes and excited face: "Mom, mom, dad is so powerful, he can fly so high! In the future, brother Xiaoyue and I can be as powerful as my father and protect my mother! "

Ye Xingbei

Can you fly that high?

Son, you exaggerate a little too much.

Is your father Superman?

The little guy ran into her arms, put his arms around her waist and looked up at her coquetry: "Mom, mom, brother Xiaoyue and I are going to learn martial arts with Dad! Dad said, "if Mom agrees, dad will let the little tree learn. Mom, please agree!"

Ye Xingbei looks at Gu Junzhu.

Gu Jun is sitting on the sofa with a morning paper in his hand. He is looking at her with a smile.

Ye Xingbei touched his son's head and looked at him: "can the little tree learn now?"

She had studied with her elder brother and second brother for a period of time before, but she had no talent. She practiced all the time, just like HuaQuan and embroidered legs. She could build up her body. In real combat, she was a five scum.

Her son likes it, too. When she practices, her son follows her. Haha, haha, the little arms and legs.

But her elder brother said that the little tree was too weak to bear. If she wanted to learn, she would have to wait a few years.

Gu Jun nodded: "if I can learn, I practice every morning. Let him and Xiaoyue follow me. I will master the standard."

Although this person is a bastard secretly, but inexplicably, ye Xingbei trusts him very much.

What he said, ye Xingbei never doubted.

He said that if you can practice, you can practice.

Ye Xingbei agreed decisively, touched the little guy's head, looked down at him and said, "if you want to practice, you have to practice well. If you want to listen to your father, you can't be afraid of hardship!"

Although she wanted to protect her son 24 hours a day, and would not let him suffer any hardship, it was impossible.

Children grow up, rely on their own wings to fly, can not live forever under her protection.

The child was beaten at school yesterday. No matter how much she cared about the child, she couldn't go to school with the child.

In this case, let the children learn to protect themselves.

When he grows up, she can rest assured that he will fly by himself.

"Good! The little tree is not afraid of hardship if he listens to his father The little guy tried his best to point his head. He didn't know what to do. He ran to Lingyue, grabbed Lingyue's hand, dragged Lingyue, and flew around the living room like a swallow: "learn to practice martial arts! Beat the bad guys! The little tree is banging , the fastest update of the webnovel!