You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 175

"No, no!" Ye xingbeisheng was loveless. He broke off his arm tightly, fell from him, lay on the bed, gritted his teeth and said, "Gu Junzhu, you fool around again, I'll castrate you when you fall asleep!"

"Well, well, I don't want to fool around!" Gu five ye a stack of compromise, turn over to lie on her body, said with a smile: "I seriously make!"

Ye Xingbei

Gu Jun by "Bata" a press out of the light, bent over to kiss her lips.

Ye Xingbei denounced the voice, all blocked back, not a few minutes, was kissing seven halo eight element.

In addition, this product is highly skilled. She was not skilled yesterday, but she became a skilled worker tonight. After a few big hands, her head soon became confused.

Although she still refused, her strength was negligible.

Gu Wuye once again successfully conquered the city and occupied the land. He fought for hundreds of rounds and enjoyed himself thoroughly.

Afterwards, ye Xingbei's whole body was dizzy, like the feeling after taking drugs described in the book. He was all soft and had no strength. He seemed to be lying on the white and fat clouds.

She closed her eyes and didn't bother to move her fingertips.

Gu Jun gave her a kiss and took her to the bathroom.

Take care of two people fresh and clean, return to bed, leaf Star North head a touch pillow, immediately fell asleep.

The next day, when she got up, there was only herself in the bedroom.

Knowing that her son should be sticking to Gu Junzhu, she didn't worry. She was in a daze for a while. The scenes of last night flashed from her mind.

She covered her face.

Last time it was drunken. What's this time?

Ye Xingbei, ye Xingbei, you really fall.

You are more and more like Xiang Bingzi!

The only difference is that Xiang Bingzi is strong, and Gu Junzhu is sent by himself.

However, after sleeping with Gu Junzhu twice, she finally knew why a woman would go to Niulang.

Before, she heard that there was another profession called "cowherd" in the world, which specialized in women's business. She thought it was particularly incredible.

This kind of thing, isn't the woman suffer?

Why do women spend money to sleep with men?

After sleeping Gu Jun twice, she understood.


I can't seem to say that either.

It's shameless to say that!

She turned over and buried her face in the pillow. It was a mess.

It never occurred to her that she could do such an extraordinary thing before.

She and Gu Jun Zhuming have no feelings, they are a fake couple, but they have the reality of husband and wife.

The only thing she was lucky about was that Gu Junzhu was her legal husband.

If they do something like last night, the whole world will take it for granted.

She's probably the only one who thinks something's wrong.

In the past, she thought that two people should have feelings and love each other in order to have a happy life.

But what is she and Gu Jun now?

Does she have feelings for Gu Junzhu?

She calmed down and thought about it carefully.

She told Gu Junzhu It seems to have feelings.

Because he has feelings, he doesn't reject his hugs, his jokes, or even things that go too far.

But between her and Gu Junzhu, it should not be love, right?

She did not love, do not know what love is like, but between her and Gu Jun Zhu, should not be love?

If it's love, she should be able to feel it.

What is the relationship between her and Gu Junzhu?

Is it family?


Pooh, Pooh!

She and Gu junzhucai have no friendship!

She won't make friends like Gu Junzhu in her life. I'm sick to death when I think about it! , the fastest update of the webnovel!