You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 172

His excited face was radiant, his eyes were bright, and all of them were full of joy. Only one look at him could tell that the child was in the mood of extreme happiness and excitement.

Looking at the children happy, ye Xingbei is also happy, looking at the beautiful face full of joy and joy, ye Xingbei is also in full bloom, even the blood stains on his little face can be slightly ignored.

Along the way, several people talked and laughed, but they were not hurt by the two little guys.

Back at Gu's villa, Gu Jun took two kids to take a bath.

Gu Qingrun was also called over.

After the bath, the two little guys have to take medicine again.

The trauma medicine of Gu's family can't be bought with money outside, and its curative effect is excellent.

Ye Xingbei simply washed, changed his clothes, and went into the kitchen.

She is full of fighting spirit and is determined to feed Ling Yue and her son into a fat white child in the shortest time.

Even if not white fat, at least let them and children of the same age as high.

Now her son is five years old and looks like a child of three or four.

Ling Yue was eight years old. The doctor said that he was severely malnourished and had severe anemia. His average height was only the level of a six-year-old.

Her son was short because he was weak and ill since childhood. In addition, she had asthma. She did not dare to eat for her son.

Ling Yuechang's short, it is estimated that he was delayed by his stepmother.

Now, her son can eat everything except a few known foods that he can't eat.

Ling Yue came to her house, and she could eat well.

Children grow fast.

She believes that as long as she carefully feeds them, the two children will grow up healthily like her son's baby name

there are no clothes suitable for Ling Yue at home. Gu Junzhu sent someone to buy some clothes for him temporarily, which is not very suitable, but much better than his swaying school uniform.

People depend on clothes, Buddha depends on gold. Lingyue, who has changed into new clothes, is a bit more beautiful.

Even the sapling blinked at Ling Yue and exclaimed, "brother Xiao Yue is so beautiful, more beautiful than the most beautiful girl in the class!"

Gu Junzhu was amused by him and pinched his little face. "What else do you know about beauty?"

"Of course!" The little guy straightened up his face and said seriously: "mom is the most beautiful! The most beautiful in the world! Dad is the second most beautiful, and brother Xiaoyue is the third most beautiful! "

Gu Junzhu

Who does he like best?

Sure enough, no matter how much the little guy likes his cheap father, he can't go to yexiaobei.

However, he should be content. He's second!

Ye Xinglan, ye Xingli did not mention!

If this let Ye Xingli know, in his baby nephew's mind, even Ling Yue is not as good as, row to the fourth, fifth and sixth, ye Xingli estimated to cry again.

Gu Junzhu was very satisfied. He picked up the little guy and gave him a kiss on his pink face. "Honey, go to dinner!"

The little guy giggled, raised his little arm and cheered: "go to find my mother!"

Ling Yue envies looking at the two people who are intimate and laughing, and follows them in silence.

The little guy leaned on Gu Jun's shoulder and waved to him: "brother Xiaoyue, come here and eat delicious food! We have a lot of delicious food

The little guy's eyes are full of eager expectation.

Ling Yue unconsciously curved his lips and walked two steps faster. , the fastest update of the webnovel!