You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 171

"No shouting!" Master Yi pushed her away, held the doorframe and glared at her: "you want to die, don't you? If you want to kill yourself, cut your wrists and jump off a building, don't drag down Ling Ling and this family! "

Old lady Yi was yelled and shivered: "are you really crazy about gain and loss? I asked Lao Zhang to go to the police by legal means. How can I just seek death? "

"Do you take out your breath when you have eyes?" Yi said: "look at the parents of those two children. Are they the people we can afford?"

Old man Yi's eyes caught a glimpse of the black gold card on the coffee table. He shivered and stepped forward. He grabbed the black gold card in his hand, handed it to old lady Yi and yelled, "see? See? This kind of bank card, not the top class, can not apply for money! Do you dare to call the police to catch such people? Do you think your life is too comfortable and you want to die by yourself? "

Mrs. Yi was frightened. Looking at the bank card in Mr. Yi's hand, her lips trembled: "really, really? Do you think you're wrong that Jiangcheng is such a valuable person? "

Yi ignored her and sat down on the sofa, rubbing his face, "call Lingling's father and let him come back quickly."

Old lady Yi stammered, "what are you doing?"

"What for?" Mr. Yi slapped the bank card on the table and roared angrily: "they left the card here on purpose. Let's return it at the door! To return the card on the door is to go to the door to apologize to others and let them beat us in the face. If father Lingling doesn't go, will he let me go? I've saved my face all my life. I've lost all my face to this little beast! "

The more he said, the more angry he got up, rushed to Yi Xinling, took Yi Xinling's arm, swung his hand, and hit Yi Xinling's ass.

He didn't make any effort. Yi Xinling was beaten and cried.

Old lady Yi quickly stepped forward to stop her. She was pushed away by him, pointed to her nose and roared angrily: "you are used to this little beast! If you get used to it, don't count on her to pass on incense to our family. It's not certain that she can live well until she grows up. If you don't want to kill her, you'll stay away from me! "

He had never had such a big fire before. Old lady Yi didn't dare to move when she was yelled.

Master Yi vented his anger and fear in his palm.

Yi Xinling felt that her buttock was broken, until she cried hoarse and fainted in pain, no one came to save her.


on the way home, the sapling's mood has been in an excited state.

He sat between Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei, looking at Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei for a while, with a bright smile on his face, smiling like a little fool.

Ye Xingbei was not amused by him, because he was hurt and depressed, was swept away by the bright smile on his face.

Ye Xingbei amusingly rubbed his head and asked: "little tree, don't you have pain on your face? How can you be so happy when you're hurt? "

"Mom and dad are so powerful!" The little guy looked at Ye Xingbei Xingxing's eyes, with a look of worship, "with mom and Dad, the little tree is so happy, not afraid of anything!"

The little guy leaned forward again to see Ling Yue sitting beside Gu Junzhu: "there's brother Xiao Yue going to live in our house, so I'm happy!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!