You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 165

The leaf Star North immediately smiles to open, touch his head: "good!"

The car slowly stopped, Gu Chi looked back at Gu Junzhu: "young master, I'll call the door."

Gu Jun nodded.

Gu Chi gets out of the car.

A moment later, Gu Chi came back, "young master, young lady, the Yi family invited us in."

Several people followed the housekeeper of the Yi family and went into the villa.

Yijia villa is very big and decorated luxury.

Entering the living room, the housekeeper took them to a pair of men and women who looked more than 50 years old and said respectfully, "master, old lady, I've brought them here."

Mr. Yi sat still on the sofa.

Old lady Yi stood up, went to the two children, looked up and down, and looked at Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei, "are you the parents of the children?"

Ye Xingbei said, "I am the mother of the child."

Old lady Yi sighed: "little girl, my granddaughter hurt your son. It's my granddaughter who is wrong. But my granddaughter's mother died of massive bleeding when she gave birth to my granddaughter. Her father is busy with work and has no time to take care of her. My granddaughter is a poor child. She beat people, but she is wrong. We should persuade and educate her as adults She can't see a child in the same light, right? "

Ye Xingbei is speechless.


Of course not!

Your granddaughter is a poor child, can beat other people's children?

What kind of logic is that?

Before ye Xingbei retorts, old lady Yi takes a look at their housekeeper.

At three or five o'clock, the parents of the students come to the door with their children. The housekeeper has already had experience in dealing with this kind of thing.

He turned to go out, quickly carried a bag in, and put the bag at the north foot of Ye Xing.

Looking at Ye Xingbei, Mrs. Yi said, "little girl, here is 20000 yuan. It's the medical expenses I compensate for your children. If you still think it's less, the hospital will pay for the examination and medicine. You give the list to the housekeeper, and we'll pay three times as much."

The Yi family is the family of officials.

Her husband used to be a senior official in Beijing. Under the shadow of her husband, she runs a multinational company and earns a lot of money every year.

When she got older, she found a professional manager to take care of her. Although she didn't earn as much as her husband did when he didn't retire, she was also one of the most respectable families in Jiangcheng.

Moreover, her son-in-law is the deputy director of the Department, and her husband's favorite student is the head of Jiangcheng.

Her daughter left her a granddaughter like Yi Xinling.

After her daughter died of massive bleeding, they forced their son-in-law to agree to let their niece's surname follow their daughter's.

They think that when Yi Xinling grows up, he will recruit a son-in-law and give birth to a child by the surname of the Yi family. In the future, the Yi family will not lose its fragrance.

With this idea in mind, they love Yi Xinling and respond to every request.

As time goes by, the child is used to some wayward.

At the beginning, Yi Xinling got into trouble in the school. The teachers and parents came to the school, but they were still a little uneasy.

But more times, they are numb.

It's just a fight between children. How can children be naughty?

Anyway, it's no big deal. They pay a little money and say a few good words. It's no big deal if the big thing turns into the small one.

Of course, they will also educate Yi Xinling.

Every time Yi Xinling gets into trouble, they will reprimand Yi Xinling.

But every time they taught Yi Xinling a lesson, she cried for her mother. , the fastest update of the webnovel!