You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 164

He said this in the eyes of Gu Junzhu.

Ye Xingbei is right.

The doctor just regarded her as a vicious little stepmother.

In my heart, I still think that now the little girls ignore everything in order to marry into a rich family.

It seems that at most a girl of eighteen or nineteen years old will become a stepmother for a child of seven or eight years old.

When you are a stepmother, you can be a stepmother. If you don't treat other people's children well, you can beat them.

If it wasn't for Gu Junzhu's amazing momentum, he would have been rich or expensive, aloof, cold and proud. He didn't want to be provoked by the common people like them, but he wanted to call the police and arrest people.

Ye Xingbei didn't explain. She carefully wrote down all the precautions that the doctor said, and then left.

In the car, she turned over the inspection report of Ling Yue in her hand, her hand trembled with anger.

The doctor took Ling Yue to the examination room for examination. She was waiting outside the house. She didn't see what the injury was like on the child.

The inspection report clearly showed the number of blood stasis marks and soft tissue bruises on the child.

Ye Xingbei was stunned.

She always thought that when children fight, they just slap their hair and face.

I didn't expect the girl named Yi Xinling to be so cruel and beat the child like this.

Her heart trembled at the thought that all the injuries on the child's body were for her son. If the child hadn't blocked them, those fists and feet would have fallen on her son.

Her son is only five years old, delicate like a tender bud, she usually can't bear to speak loudly to her son.

They laid such heavy hands on her son, who was tender in arms and legs, and they didn't beat him to death?

Ye Xingbei was afraid of a cold sweat, and his face turned white.

She threw away the inspection report, stripped off her son's clothes, and went up and down carefully.

The little guy was a little shy, red faced, and grasped his clothes: "Mom, I'm not undressed outside. I'm ashamed..."

"It's OK, mom. I'm not shy." Ye Xingbei's heart is hanging in the air. It's very uncomfortable. Regardless of the little guy's struggle, he checks carefully.

The little guy was shy and itchy, and went straight to Gu Jun's arms: "Dad, help! Dad, help

Gu Junzhu rubbed his head with a smile, "let your mother have a look, don't let your mother see clearly, Dad can't save you."

See a family of three close together, Ling Yue's eyes are full of envy.

Ye Xingbei inspected his son carefully and found that he was not hurt.

She turned to see Ling Yue again.

She wants to see Ling Yue's injuries. She thinks that Ling Yue is eight years old and must be more shy than her son. Maybe she is embarrassed to let her see.

Sure enough, Ling Yue noticed her intention and showed a shy look on her face. She shrunk to the side and said in a low voice, "Auntie, I don't hurt anymore."

Ye Xingbei laughs and touches his head: "dear, thank Xiaoyue for helping Xiaoshu. When your aunt and uncle get angry with you and Xiaoshu, you will go to your aunt's house with your aunt, who will make delicious food for you and Xiaoshu!"

"Mm-hmm," said the little guy with a little head and bright eyes, "Mom's soup is the best! I can drink three bowls at a time

He put up three little white fingers and raised them to Ling Yue's eyes.

Ling Yue chuckled and looked at Ye Xingbei, who was waiting for his reply. He hesitated and finally made up his mind and nodded: "thank you, aunt." , the fastest update of the webnovel!