You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 153

Although she is young, she already has a very large legacy in her hands.

Her two uncles made an accident with the intention of killing her.

She was the only one in her family who died.

If she died again, her family's money would be owned by her grandfather and her two uncles.

Her grandfather is in poor health. If she dies, her grandfather will not live long. Her two uncles can inherit everything from them.

Her second uncle, a cousin of her little uncle's family, pushed her down the pond.

The cousin of her little uncle's family was under 14 years old at that time. After killing her, even if it was found out, she didn't have to pay for her life.

She was saved by passers-by.

After the police investigation, the killer was identified as her cousin Yan Tingting.

The police want to arrest Yan Tingting into the juvenile detention center. Her aunt kneels at her grandfather's feet and pleads for her.

After all, Yan Tingting is also her grandfather's granddaughter. Her grandfather's heart softened and beat her two uncles.

Intentional homicide, became her and Yan Tingting play together, she accidentally fell into the water.

That matter has been exposed.

Later, in a few years, she encountered several "accidents".

Every time, it is a very dangerous "escape from death".

The "accidents" were beautiful, and the police couldn't find out anything.

In addition, she was safe and sound, so the police told her to be careful. She didn't take it seriously at all.

But she knew that the so-called "accidents" were carefully planned by her two uncles.

Her two uncles are concerned about her large fortune and have never given up on her life.

But although she knew it in her heart, she suffered from no evidence and could not bring her two uncles to justice.

Living in the panic that "accidents" may come at any time every day, she has no choice but to study abroad.

She thought, she hid abroad, her two uncles will stop, right?

But she was so naive.

She went abroad and was not familiar with the land, so it was more convenient for her two uncles to find someone to do it.

That day, if ye Xingbei and snow had not happened to pass by and saved her, the grass on her grave would have grown tall now.

The turning point of her life began when she ran into Ye Xingbei.

Although her life experience is not very happy, but she is very optimistic and cheerful character, or a standard Yangou, love all the good things in the world.

The first time she saw Ye Xingbei, she was shocked. She felt that ye Xingbei was a fairy who accidentally fell into the world and was fascinated by Ye Xingbei.

0.01 seconds after she saw Ye Xingbei, she decided that she must make friends with Ye Xingbei.

Be the best friend in the world!

Later, under her deliberate friendship, she became familiar with Ye Xingbei and became her best friend.

She told her life experience to Ye Xingbei, who asked for two bodyguards from ye Xinglan.

Those two bodyguards were slaves of Z country in the early days. When ye Xinglan trained his staff, he picked them back with his own hands. They had good skills and good appearance. The most important thing was their loyalty to their masters, which was imprinted in their souls. He never had to worry about their betrayal.

Although state Z is a slave country, only the royal family can keep slaves.

She has long looked at yexingbei around snow, rain greedy, can her identity, money can not buy slaves.

She didn't expect that ye Xingbei asked her for two from ye Xinglan without saying a word.

She knows how much Ye Xingbei is afraid of Ye Xinglan, and she dares to ask ye Xinglan for two "dead men" trained by Ye Xinglan, which shows how good Ye Xingbei is to her. , the fastest update of the webnovel!