You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 152

Yan Jingxue is also an optimist. He laughs every day.

But at this moment, ye Xingbei asked why he came back at this time. Yan Jingxue, the optimist, couldn't be happy.

She put away her smile and sighed, "my grandfather is ill. I'll come back to have a look."

Ye Xingbei frowned: "is your grandfather OK?"

"It should be OK," Yan Jingxue said with a smile, "but you know, Beibei, the old man is old. I don't know how long he can stay in this world. I'm afraid He is the only one in the family who is kind to me. I regret it now I regret that I shouldn't have studied abroad. I should have stayed at home with him... "

"You didn't mean it," Ye Xingbei held her hand and patted her gently. "You went abroad, and they wouldn't let you go. If you were at home, you might live to now."

Yan Jingxue was born in the capital.

Her grandfather is a master of traditional Chinese painting and has a scholarly family for generations.

Her father was weak and ill since childhood, so he could not inherit her grandfather's legacy. After graduating from University, he chose to go into business.

Her father is very talented in business and makes a lot of money.

Her grandfather has three sons.

Her father is the only child of her grandfather and grandmother, the eldest son and grandson of the Yan family.

After her grandmother died, her grandfather remarried and gave birth to two more sons, her second and third uncles.

Her father and her second and third uncles are half brothers.

Since childhood, her two uncles and her father have not been of one mind.

There are few good stepmothers in fairy tales, and neither is her father's stepmother.

Fortunately, her grandfather loves his second wife and loves his eldest son more than his life. Her grandmother has little chance to harm her father.

Later, after her father married her mother, her grandfather decided to separate the family.

At that time, her father was already on the rich list.

Her grandfather knew that her father was not short of money. He didn't want to make the three sons have conflicts because of money. He divided the whole family property into three parts and gave them to the three sons.

Soon after the separation, she was born.

Two years later, her father died of illness.

Her mother and her father had a good relationship. After two years, they died.

After her parents died one after another, her grandfather took her to his side and raised her by hand.

Her two uncles didn't inherit her grandfather's talent for painting, but they liked the title of "master of traditional Chinese painting". They all dreamed of becoming her grandfather's days when money could come with the stroke of a brush.

But the most important thing for painting is talent.

Her two uncles worked hard for decades and achieved nothing, but they were still used to the delicate and extravagant life. They shared their property and wasted it in a few years.

Two people spent all their money, so they went to her grandfather to cry for poverty.

After her father died, her grandfather was too sad, his health was not good, and his pen was closed. His family had no income long ago, and he lived on his previous savings.

Her grandfather told her two uncles that when they separated, they agreed to share the family property equally, and then live separately.

When he was Lao Tzu, he is now dependent on his son to support him. It's impossible to support his son all his life. In the future, they will live a good life and a bad one. They all depend on their own abilities.

Two people from the old man there don't get money, hit her idea.

Before her mother died, she sold off her family's company and changed it into real estate, shops and cash, which was stored in her name. , the fastest update of the webnovel!