You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 132

She was so angry and funny that she pushed him hard: "Gu Junzhu, how old are you this year? How can you not be as good as a child when they take a nap? "

"I'm not noisy!" Gu Jun touched her face one by one, and the top of her eyebrows and the corners of her eyes were all clear smiles: "you have to be trustworthy! I'm fulfilling the promise we promised my father to have a baby with you

“……” Ye Xingbei twisted him, "go away! The little tree sleeps at noon. Don't make a fool of yourself

Gu Jun touched her face and said with a smile, "what about that night?"

Ye Xingbei No noise at any time

Gu Junzhu is serious: "you promised to give my father a grandson. How can I have a grandson if I don't make trouble?"

Ye Xingbei blushed, put his hands against his chest and said, "at that time, the little tree was there. How can I say if I don't say that? Can I still say that you and I are pretending to be husband and wife, and I'm not going to have a baby for you? "

"I don't care why you promised my dad at that time," Gu Junzhu said. "Anyway, you have to keep your word. You promised my dad that you would give him a grandson, so we have to work hard."

Red eared red to the north of Ye Xing pushed him hard: "Why are you such a rascal? You go away! I've said it, you let me think about it! "

"For how long?" "One day? Two days? Three days? "

Ye Xingbei black line: "is giving birth to a child something that can be decided in one or two days? Gu Jun, you are a big man. Don't make trouble out of nothing, OK

"Why not?" Gu Junzhu said: "I didn't use it for a day. In three seconds, I decided to let you have a baby for me!"

Ye Xingbei That only shows that you are irresponsible

"Who said that?" Gu Jun refused, "how good do you think I am to be a father to the little tree? Go and find out. Has Mr. Gu done anything irresponsible in the past 20 years? "

"I'm not interested in asking about you!" Ye Xing pushed him to the North: "you go down first, you're dead!"

Gu junzhuo is still: "I call it bodybuilding!"

Ye Xing turned his eyes to the north and said, "yes, you are so cheap and beautiful! "Cheap" beside the word Bei

Gu Junzhu Little girl with sharp teeth and sharp mouth! It seems very necessary for me to clean up you, make your mouth sweet, and don't always choke! "

Ye Xingbei is about to speak when Gu Jun lowers his head and kisses her lips.

She struggled hard, but she didn't have the strength of Gu Junzhu. Her brain was short of oxygen, so she didn't faint.

It's so easy to wait until Gu Junzhu releases her. She takes a few breaths and raises her hand to fight. Gu Junzhu grabs her wrist and puts her fist on her lips and kisses her. "Honey, do you feel sweet when I kiss you?"

Ye Xingbei gritted his teeth: "I don't feel sweet, but I feel itchy!"

Before the words fall, ye Xingbei bites Gu Junzhu's wrist.

She was so angry that she was merciless.

Gu Jun took a breath with pain.

Taking advantage of Gu Junzhu's lax strength, she pushed Gu Junzhu down from her body, turned over and rode on him, grabbed him by the neck and said with a straight face: "Gu Junzhu, be honest with me! You'll be insane from time to time like this, and I'll sleep in the guest room with the little tree! "

Gu Junzhu was choked by her and couldn't breathe. He laughed and coughed. He nodded: "I'm honest, I'm honest, can't I?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!