You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 131

Gu Junzhu's subconscious trust and dependence on small things is very useful. He smiles and rubs his head. "Good, go."

The little guy nodded his head, jumped off the sofa and ran to Mr. Gu.

The little guy is so beautiful. He looks like a crystal doll.

Everyone loves beauty, and older people especially like children.

After looking at the little guy for a few seconds, Mr. Gu couldn't like it any more. He felt and hugged him and couldn't put it down.

suddenly, he saw the injury on the back of the little guy's head. His face suddenly changed and he asked with a tiger's face: "how did this happen? You two are really, how do you look at children? How can such a small child do if he falls on the back of his head and breaks it? "

Looking at the baby in my arms. There was a white gauze pasted on the back of his head. It seemed that he was hurt a lot. The old man was very distressed, just like someone pinched him on the tip of his heart.

"By Xiang Bingzi's brain damage," Gu Jun saw that the old man wanted to touch, and quickly stopped: "Dad, don't touch, the doctor won't let you touch!"

Mr. Gu quickly shrinks back his hand which is about to fall on the gauze, and gives Xiang Bingzi a hard memory in his heart.

Such a small child, Xiang Bingzi is crazy.

It's a life sentence.

We must never let her come out to harm society again!

The old man held the little guy and asked him a few questions. Then he turned his eyes around Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei: "Xiaozhu, Beibei, now our country has released the two-child policy. A child is too lonely to have a playmate. You two should work hard to have another one, and someone can be a companion with the little tree!"

"Yes, yes!" The little guy sat in the arms of Mr. Gu. His head was like a chicken pecking rice. He looked at Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei brightly: "have a baby sister! Xiaoshu likes her sister! Father and mother give birth to a sister to the little tree

"Good little tree Mr. Gu was very satisfied with the cheap grandson who came down from the sky.

Although the child is not his son's seed, as long as the child is clever and sensible, he doesn't mind letting his son help Ye Xingbei raise the child.

If the child's nature is good, his son takes the child as his own pain, he has no problem.

However, he still hoped that Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei would give him a grandson.

It's better to have a smart and lovely one like a sapling.

If he can hold his grandson before he dies, he will smile and close his eyes even if he dies!

Ye Xingbei didn't expect that Mr. Gu's words changed, and he went around to have a baby. He blushed and bowed his head. He didn't dare to say a word.

Gu Jun looked at Ye Xingbei with a smile and said to Gu: "Dad, don't worry. Beibei and I are working hard. But it depends on fate. It's only when fate comes, isn't it, Beibei?"

He turned his face to see ye Xingbei.

“……” What can ye Xingbei say?

She could only resist shyness and nodded, not daring to say a word.

Looking at Gu Junzhu, his attitude is very positive, and Mr. Gu is very satisfied.

He coaxed the tree to play for a while, then got up and left.

In his capacity, he wants to live in a cadre sanatorium, and the security is in the charge of the guard regiment. When he comes out, he has to be under martial law at all levels, and it is impossible to stay in a private house.

Send the old man away and go back to the living room. The little guy starts rubbing his eyes.

It's time for him to take a nap.

Ye Xingbei takes him back to his bedroom for a nap.

The child sleeps very fast. As soon as his head touches the pillow, he falls asleep in a few minutes.

Ye Xingbei also lies beside him for a nap.

She felt someone pressing on her as if she was sleeping.

She was startled. She opened her eyes and saw Gu Wu Ye's enlarged handsome face. , the fastest update of the webnovel!