You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 114

After staring at Ye Xingbei for a while, he turned to look at Gu Junzhu. His throat was blocked and his voice was astringent: "brother five, the reason why my sister and Jiang Siyou were wrong was not negligence or carelessness, but Jiang Zhengxing's intention, right?

Jiang Zhengxing would rather have a child who has no blood relationship with him than my sister. So he lost my sister and took him back to Jiang Siyou, right

Gu Jun tilted his lips and didn't speak.

The elder Xie is a smart man. He is very smart.

No wonder the old man of the Xie family didn't like his son's granddaughter and insisted on robbing the grandson to take the surname "Xie" and training him to be the successor of the Xie family.

Looking at Gu Junzhu's appearance, Xie Yunlin knew that he was right.

His face was blue and white, his fists were tightly clenched, and his teeth were clenched.

The fierce hatred in his heart drowned him.

If Jiang Zhengxing is in front of him at the moment, he will definitely stab him in the heart, and then tear him apart and blow up his ashes!

He still remembers how ye Xingbei was recovered from the Jiang family six years ago.

A 15-year-old girl, pale and skinny, looks like she's only 13 or 14 years old at most. She's not well nourished at first sight.

She was wearing old-fashioned clothes. Although she was clean and beautiful, she was a poor child growing up in a poor family.

Because he has been concerned about the Jiang family and ye Xingbei, he knows a lot.

He knew that ye Xingbei's adoptive parents died very early. There was a brother in her adoptive parents' family. After her adoptive parents died, she went to the army. After she left, there was no news, and no news came back.

Ye Xingbei's adoptive parents' house is occupied by Ye Xingbei's uncles and aunts.

Since her uncle and aunt occupied the house of her adoptive parents, they could only raise Ye Xingbei.

They are two very vicious and mean people who use Ye Xingbei as a servant girl.

When ye Xingbei graduated from primary school, they let her drop out of school and work as a child laborer in a small factory in their town.

Ye Xingbei has been beautiful since she was a child. Although she is young, she is also the most outstanding beauty in the town. Many men in the town covet her.

She's only 15 years old, so many people have sent people to visit her.

One of the men was the son of the deputy mayor of the town.

The son of the deputy mayor, who broke his leg in a car accident when he was a child, is lame, irascible and accomplished nothing. However, he thinks that his family has good conditions and wants to find a perfect one. He is 26 years old and still unmarried.

That person occasionally see ye Xingbei, startled, fall in love at first sight, entrusted to Ye Xingbei's uncle and aunt.

Ye Xingbei is only 15 years old, not old enough to get married.

The son of the deputy mayor said that he didn't mind. He could give the bride price first and take ye Xingbei home to support her. When she is old enough to get married, he would take ye Xingbei to register for marriage.

Ye Xingbei's uncle and aunt, greedy for the large amount of betrothal gifts given by the deputy mayor's family, agreed without hesitation.

After ye Xingbei knew it, he ran out of the town in the middle of the night and fled to Jiangcheng.

By coincidence, she met Jiang Huan in Jiangcheng.

Jiang Huan thinks Ye Xingbei looks like his dead wife, so he takes Ye Xingbei to have a paternity test.

Later, Jiang Huan took Ye Xingbei back to the Jiang family, saying that ye Xingbei was Jiang Zhengxing's daughter.

When ye Xingbei was ill and hospitalized, because the nurse was careless, he mistook Jiang Siyou and ye Xingbei for taking a bath together. , the fastest update of the webnovel!