You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 113

Later, they watched their younger sister grow up little by little, and they could sit, climb, and babble at words that no one could understand.

The first thing they do after school every day is to hug, kiss and play with their sister.

My sister also likes them. When she sees them, she laughs, stretches her little arms for them to hold, and kisses them in their arms. When she kisses them with saliva, they don't dislike them either.

Later, mom and dad died in a car accident, and my sister was seriously ill and hospitalized.

They didn't want to leave their sister, but at that time they were only very young children, unable to beat their stern grandfather and crying grandmother with red and swollen eyes.

They were taken to the capital and their sister stayed in Jiangcheng.

They miss their sister very much.

Every day I want to.

They asked their grandparents to bring their sister to them, or they would go back to Jiangcheng.

Grandparents told them to wait.

But they are waiting for the news of their sister's premature death.

At that time, he didn't know what premature death was.

Seeing that the elder brother was stunned for a while and burst into tears, he realized that premature death was not a good thing, so he began to cry.

Later, he learned that to die young is to die.

The little sister they like so much, fragrant and soft, laughs when they see them, and the little sister who likes to play around them is dead.

Completely disappeared from the world.

He cried and became very ill.

The elder brother also cried very sad. Although he didn't get sick, after his parents and sister died one after another, he grew up overnight and became very mature and powerful.

They are very sad to lose their parents and sisters.

But with their doting grandmother, they gradually came out of their grief.

But coming out of sadness doesn't mean forgetting.

They always remember their gentle and wise father, gentle and kind mother, and lively and lovely sister.

Midnight dream back, he did not know how many times dream of their family five happy life together.

He thought that in his life, his lovely little sister could only be seen again in a dream.

It never occurred to him that their sister was not dead.

The news of their sister's death at that time was just a lie made up by their grandfather Jiang Huan for fear that his sister would be robbed by their grandparents.

Their sister is still alive.

Ye Xingbei is their sister.

Then he What did you do?

Thinking of that day in the hotel, he twisted Ye Xingbei's arms and knelt her on the ground. He watched Xiang Bingzi slap her in the face, waving a knife and cutting at Ye Xingbei's face. His face was as white as paper, and he was in a cold sweat.

Ye Xingbei is his sister!

If Gu Junzhu didn't show up in time that day, Xiang Bingzi's knife would have been cut on his sister's face!

In front of his eyes, ye Xingbei's face coincided with the soft and waxy dough that held him when he was young and gnawed his toothless mouth on his face.

This is his sister!

His own sister!

He stares at Ye Xingbei, sweating his back.

Self reproach, guilt, regret, happiness, a variety of emotions mixed in his heart, so that he could not say what it was like in his heart at the moment, and his body could not stop shaking.

Xie Yunlin also stares at Ye Xingbei, shocked for a long time, unable to digest Gu Junzhu's words.

Ye Xingbei is their sister!

Ye Xingbei didn't have a child at the age of 16!

Her private life is chaotic and her style is not good. It's Jiang Zhengxing's framing and rumors!

Two phase union, Xie Yunlin suddenly understood.

I understand why Ye Xingbei and Jiang Siyou were wrong.

After ye Xingbei was found back to the Jiang family at the age of 15, why did he stay in the Jiang family for only one year, and then he was driven out of the Jiang family for the crime of disorderly private life! , the fastest update of the webnovel!