You Are My Gravity

Chapter 706

Qin se doesn't care what other people look at her. She's holding the phone in her arms.

I've already woken up and shivered at akichi. I've turned my lips in my heart. My mother, it's really That's enough.

As soon as Gu Jingyuan heard that Qin se was in trouble, he quickly asked, "where are you now? I'll go right away."

Qin se quickly said: "no, you just need to help me find out one thing, I have this problem."

Qin se thinks that the key to this is the beast who raped Wang Xiaowen. As long as we find him and believe him, we can resolve her resentment.

Gu Jingyuan is still not at ease: "do I really need to go there?"

"I really don't need it. Just check it for me. About four or five years ago, in Yude high school, he was about 1.7 meters tall, a little fat, a left-handed teacher or a school worker..."

"That's all?"

Qin se nodded, "yes, that's all. For you, it should be very simple, right? Will it be found out soon? "

Gu Jingyuan said, "half an hour at most. If you have any problems there, you must tell me."

"Isn't that what I've told you? Don't worry. If I can't solve it, I'm sure I'll find you. "

After Qin se talks to Gu Jingyuan, he puts down his cell phone.

Qin se said: "Jingyuan will definitely find that guy soon. We'll just wait patiently."

Zhou Ping nodded. She found a chair to sit down. Today, she was a little too exhausted. This female ghost is really more evil than others.

The longer she stays in this room, the more serious her body will be damaged. Fortunately, Qin has a amulet drawn with Gu Jingyuan's blood on her body. Otherwise, her body will be damaged, and there will be some problems in her future fertility!

Seeing that Zhou Ping's face was not right, Qin se rushed over: "Mom Are you all right? "

Zhou Ping shook his head and said to Qin se, "it's ok As you can see, in fact It's dangerous. Do you want to learn? "

Qin se hesitated. Today, she was really scared.

Before going to Huo's house to help Xu Mu solve the problem, her mother solved it very easily.

Qin se thinks that her mother is really a very, very powerful expert. She always thinks that nothing can embarrass her mother.


Today I came here to know that there are more terrible things in the world, even her mother is not easy to solve.

Zhou Ping said to Qin se, "it's not the most terrible. If your grandfather is here, it's better for him to have appetizers. It's not very difficult at all..."

Qin se thought about it seriously and said, "Mom, I Or do you want to Learning, although I am really afraid, but I still want to inherit your legacy. Of course, I think more about me and the people around me. I want to protect everyone, but If we can help others while protecting ourselves, then I'll be happy, too... "

Zhou Ping touched Qin SE's face with a smile: "after that, I will teach you seriously. You can't go back."

Qin se nodded hard: "don't go back."

Half an hour later, Gu Jingyuan called.

"Four or five years ago, there was an English teacher in Yude high school who was left-handed and had the same conditions as you said. Two years ago, he went to another school No matter the students or the school, the evaluation of him is OK. "

Qin se clenched his fist and said: "I think it must be this beast, Jingyuan. Please check his address for me This son of a bitch may be a recidivist! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!