You Are My Gravity

Chapter 705

He Zhaowen covered his face and said, "I It's like watching a 4D movie, but it's not. I just feel like I've been in it and become her. I really feel everything she's suffered It didn't feel good It's not good... "

He Zhaowen's voice began to choke in the end.

Regret, he regrets very much, if he can be more patient at that time, maybe Wang Xiaowen can save a life, even if he did not personally bring her hurt, but his indifference, but also a killing knife.

Zhou Ping said to he Zhaowen: "so, apart from feeling regret and remorse, what you can have is to find out who is the man who pretended to be you and raped her, so that the animal who has been hiding for several years will be punished."

He Zhaowen raised his head, his face was full of tears, and his face was young and tender, with a little regret and anger.

He gritted his teeth and said: "yes, I must find out who that person is and give her a fair return..."

He Zhaowen closed his eyes, and his mind was like a replay of the picture he had just seen.

In the dark equipment room, no one can be seen at all.

However, the headquarters can not leave any clues because of this?

He Zhaowen scratched his hair hard. There must be some clues. Suddenly, he remembered that when the animal raped Wang Xiaowen, one hand covered her mouth. There was a watch on the wrist of that hand, which was shining with cold metal light in the dark.

Besides, it seems that he is a little fat, with The smell of smoke.

Besides, there are really not many clues.

He Zhaowen was hateful. He should have observed carefully at that time. He was only afraid and angry. He didn't remember many details.

He Zhaowen put down his hand and said: "watch The man has a watch on his right wrist I'm a little fat. By the way, I have a head. It should not be high. It's estimated that it's just over 1.7 meters. I feel He has meat in his hands and is slightly fat I can't think of anything else. "

Qin se asked: "right wrist, are you sure?"

He Zhaowen nodded, "yes, I'm sure it's the right hand. It's absolutely right."

Qin se looked at Zhou Ping: "Mom, it's normal for men to wear watches on their left hand. But if they wear watches on their right hand, it shows that they are used to using their left hand. In this case Is this son of a bitch left-handed? "

Zhou Ping nodded: "in school, students almost don't wear the kind of watches worn by adults. They can almost be sure that this is an adult man, and they can get the key to the equipment room. They can know that Wang Xiaowen likes you and smokes It's not a teacher, it's also a male employee of the school, it's a left-handed person, so the scope is much narrowed. Let's go and check that the staff of the whole school in that year were left-handed people. "

He Zhaowen forced: "this Who can check it? Can't we all get out? "

Qin SE's eyes turned, picked up Shouqi: "let Jingyuan help us check, he will help us find it soon."

Qin se quickly picked up the mobile phone, fortunately, their mobile phone still has a signal to call out.

The call went out and soon got through.

Qin se said: "Jingyuan, I'm in a bit of trouble here. Please help me find out something Oh, please... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!