You Are My Gravity

Chapter 590

However ~ ~

it turns out!


Everything is fake!

After one, there is another

For a man who has been a vegetarian for such a long time, it is no doubt impossible to drive meat!

Zhen bao'er really doubts whether a man's IQ has nothing to do with his physical instinct?

Otherwise, why in this matter, Gu Zhixin's present performance is so perfect!

Zhen bao'er doubts whether he is completely good.


"Pain Wife, pain... " Gu Zhixin holds Zhen bao'er's hand and touches his chest.

Zhen bao'er's face was flushed, and her bangs were wet with sweat. She stuck them on her forehead, "do you have a face to tell me the pain? What did I tell you? It's said that your injuries are not all right, so you have to make trouble... "

More than once, he didn't hurt who hurt?

If this goes to the hospital, the doctor asks, how can suddenly ache again.

It's a shame for Zhen bao'er to say that it's because I'm in bed, so

Zhen bao'er can't imagine what kind of eyes the doctor will look at her with.

Shame, shame, shame!

However, Zhen bao'er still needs to be concerned about Gu Zhixin.

Who let this is the man of his own choice, no way!

"Where does it hurt?" said Zhen bao'er

Gu Zhixin pursed his mouth and looked at Zhen Baoer pitifully.

That eye, watery, see of Zhen Bao Er, in the heart of inexplicable dart up an unspeakable guilt.

All of a sudden, she wants to smack herself. Look what you've done.

He can't keep up now, but what about you?

Can't your brain keep up?

It's not that you don't carry the temptation of beauty. If you can be more determined, won't it be ok?

Zhen bao'er really wants to slap himself on the head and remember this lesson. Next time, he must not do it again.

Gu Zhixin took Zhen bao'er's hand and put it on his chest. Then he felt his rib: "it hurts here..."

Zhen bao'er worried: "chest and rib pain? Do you want to go to the hospital? "

She thought, even if it's very embarrassing, it's going to the hospital.

Just now two people's movement is so intense, but which bone is connected well, has broken again!

The more she thinks about it, the more worried Zhen bao'er is.

Hurry to pull Gu Zhixin, want to pull him up, and then go to the hospital together.

Gu Zhixin shook his head: "don't you want to Don't go to the hospital Wife, I don't want to go to the hospital... "

"But if you don't go to the hospital, do you have pain? Your wound is not completely healed

Zhen bao'er is so afraid. It's just after the fierce sexual intercourse that she pulls Gu Zhixin's wound.

Gu Zhixin holds Zhen bao'er's arm: "it doesn't hurt when his wife hugs her! Wife Hug... "


Zhen bao'er looks at Gu Zhixin: "really?"

Gu Zhixin nodded: "really..."

Zhen bao'er frowned and looked at Gu Zhixin: "but how do I feel..."

Gu Zhixin interrupted her with a look of pain: "wife It hurts... "

Zhen bao'er was so entangled by him that he bit his teeth and said, "OK, ok Hold, I hold, can't you? You are my ancestor now, you wait for me, wait for you, you see how I deal with you Gu Zhixin, I warn you, you'd better not pretend to me, you'd better be really confused now Otherwise, hum... "

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