You Are My Gravity

Chapter 589

"Oh ~ ~"

Zhen bao'er's eyes darkened, and the people who were pressing on her were covered by the quilt.

In the dark, Zhen bao'er saw a pair of bright eyes.

Those are Gu Zhixin's eyes.

Because of the limited sight, the perception of the body is particularly sensitive.

Zhen bao'er clearly felt that her lips were bitten a few times.

Then Gu Zhixin put his hand around her waist and climbed up along her waist.

That hand is not honest at all.

Zhen bao'er blushes and struggles under Gu Zhixin.

However, his body is very heavy, all pressure on her, and his kiss, deeper and deeper, from the initial shallow kiss, quickly developed into a deep kiss.

Gu Zhixin is not satisfied with it. He just nibbles and rubs his lips lightly. The tip of his tongue is flexible, and Zhen bao'er's lips come in.

It's not that Zhen bao'er didn't want to struggle,


Gu Zhixin, I don't know if his body still remembers the skill of kissing, which is particularly addictive.

Zhen bao'er was struggling to push and shove, but later, unexpectedly, her arms could not help wrapping Gu Zhixin's neck!

Zhen bao'er didn't expect that. Who knows, this guy's skill will be so good now?

Not only is the kiss addictive, but also the hand I've been lighting a fire on my body.

Zhen bao'er's body is so crisp and soft that she can't make any effort at all.

All of a sudden, my chest loosened, and my bra seemed to Was it untied?

Zhen bao'er seems to have lost.

She endured some things Gu Zhixin brought to her: "Zhixin Zhixin, you wait. You can't do it now. Zhixin Don't take off your clothes, you guy. How can you take off your clothes so skillfully? Are you stupid or not? Know the new Well... "

Zhen bao'er finally stops, and finally she can't help but send out an unbearable ending.

His voice trembled, like a circle, soft and lingering.

Gu Zhixin bit Zhen bao'er's lip: "wife It's hard... "

Zhen bao'er's body trembled violently, biting her teeth: "you can bear it..."

Gu Zhixin pursed: "but I don't want to bear it... "

"If you don't want to bear it, you have to bear it You are not the same as before

Zhen bao'er is glad that her reason still exists. Otherwise, she doesn't have to wait for Gu Zhixin. She's already defending for the attack!

I can't blame her for this. Gu Zhixin is too provocative at the moment.

Zhen bao'er's brain is confused now. Her whole body is boiling hot. She always thinks that if Gu Zhixin doesn't leave her again, maybe, maybe Probably, she did!

"Wife Wife Help me... " Gu Zhixin also has Kissing on the chest, no rules But his lips were so hot that they seemed to melt where they had been.

But Zhen bao'er was more dazzled by him. His hands were soft and weak, and he couldn't push them away!

Finally, when Gu Zhixin seems to be blind cat meets dead mouse and "accidentally" takes off Zhen Baoer's jeans, everything I can't get it back.

Zhen bao'er's reason has been tossed almost out.

At last, Zhen bao'er didn't control herself. She heard her voice: "well So Once, just once... "

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