You Are My Gravity

Chapter 583

Zhou Ping

When she heard Xu Mu's words, the whole person is not very good, this guy, but in front of his fans!

What about the face?

Do you still want a face?

No shame at all?

No, he doesn't want any face at all now. Zhou Ping thinks of Xu Mu's short stories which are chased by thousands of fans from time to time!

This guy, it seems She seems to have been regarded as a real girlfriend!

Zhou Ping's brow is wrinkled. What she said was just a fake love?


Now, it seems that the taste has changed?

Is that really bad?

Behind them came the laughter of the fans.

Some people yelled: "please don't dislike Lao Xu. Please propose to him as soon as possible. We can take Lao Xu's head as a guarantee. Lao Xu is really good!"

Zhou Ping is a little flustered because Xu Mu's fans seem to be too enthusiastic about her.

They all think that she and Xu Mu are true. If they know that they are both false in the future, they will be very disappointed

Thinking of the enthusiasm of those fans on Weibo, Zhou Ping is even more flustered.

They have completely confirmed that she and Xu Mu are together.

Moreover, she still occupies a strong side!

In the future, if she really said "break up" and "love" failed, then she must be the one who was scolded?

This Xu Mu is really a deep-seated man!

Zhou Ping didn't feel much before, but now she has a strong feeling that she can't get off the stolen ship!

She stares at Xu mu, who hugs her shoulder with a smile.

Xu Mu's smile with flattery, clearly is a standard family status backward people.

Zhou Ping clenches her teeth, this scheming man!

Xu Mu turned to his fans and waved, "don't worry, your sister-in-law will never leave me alone..."

Zhou Ping raised her elbow and pounded Xu Mu's waist!

Xu Mu grabs Zhou Ping's hand and hugs her tightly.

Fans screamed and screamed behind them.

In their view, Zhou Ping and Xu Mu are clearly showing their love!

Finally, Xu Mu and Zhou Ping walk out of the circle of fans.

Zhou Ping gritted her teeth and said, "did you mean it

Xu Mulian shook his head: "of course not, but I didn't expect them to recognize me so soon! "

"Oh You think I'll believe it? "

Xu Mu said with an aggrieved face: "I swear, I really don't have other bad ideas. I was shooting nearby. I didn't expect that I met you so coincidentally!"

Zhou Ping

She didn't believe it!

But what can we do now?

There is no other way!

Can only follow to continue to walk!

"My car is parked outside. Let's get up quickly? In case other fans recognize it later. "

Xu Mu's goal has been achieved. He doesn't need to think about it. Now the gossip about him and Zhou Ping will soon be thrown out by netizens on the Internet.

Xu Mu and his sister-in-law go shopping hand in hand, sprinkle dog food and show their love.

Xu Mu snored in his heart. If anyone dares to rob him, he will never be polite!

Zhou Ping wants to pull out her hand: "if you are so afraid of being recognized by fans, don't walk with me. Xiaogu, they are also waiting for me. If you leave, I will go to them."

Xu Mu refused to be a man!


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