You Are My Gravity

Chapter 582

Xu Mu was very dissatisfied at the moment that the man had separated from Zhou Ping. He didn't see it!


He really wants to rush up and kill that shameless man!

Xu Mu is sorry in his heart. It's a pity!

Really, he's not kidding!

What he said is true. On the way here, Xu Mu thought a lot of insidious attention!

Who would like to come after that man has run!

Zhou Ping tries to pull her hand out of Xu Mu's.

"It's a big shopping mall. There are so many people coming and going. What should I do if they are found? Let go. Don't drag me down

Xu Mu heartache!

If it's someone else, I'd like to be found out.

In the end, the woman he likes is always so different.

However, Xu Mu did not let go.

He took out a mask and put it on Zhou Ping. "OK, let's go."

Zhou Ping

Does this work?

It's obviously useless.

Not far away, I heard a man shouting: "Xu mu It's really Xu mu... "

After hearing this, Zhou Ping's first reaction was to push Xu Mu away.

But Xu Mu didn't make her happy.

When he heard that he was recognized, he was very happy.

Finally, the wish has been fulfilled, and the eyes of the Everbright people are really bright!

How nice!!!

Xu Mu put his arms around Zhou Ping's shoulder for the first time: "don't be afraid, I am here."

Zhou Ping vomits blood. I'm not afraid of it. I don't want to get too close to you.


It's useless, because more and more people recognize Xu mu.

All around.

They will be blocked.

"Xu mu, it's really Xu mu..."

"My God, I can meet Lao Xu by chance. I have to send a circle of friends."

"Is Lao Xu's sister-in-law mu?"

"Can Lao Xu play with me?"

Xu Mu embraces Zhou Ping and tries to protect her from being crowded by people.

"Sorry, everyone, listen to me, today I just accompany my girlfriend shopping, group photo signature really can't satisfy you, please let me, my girlfriend is not used to this kind of scene."

Xu Mu's voice is very clear. He hopes to be photographed with Zhou Ping by the media, but he doesn't want to affect Zhou Ping.

Xu Mu embraces Zhou Ping's shoulder in one hand and protects her head in the other.

There was a scream in the crowd: "Wow, it's really Mrs. mu."

"I am a fan of you, sister-in-law. Thank you for helping Lao Xu to take off the poverty. Thank you for your kindness. I wish you and Lao Xu and Meimei a happy family."

"Yes, yes, I wish Mrs. Mu a happy family. We will always support you."

Xu Mu is not satisfied with these voices.

Wave at the crowd.

"Don't worry, your sister-in-law will lead me to a happy journey."

Zhou Ping took a puff from the corner of her mouth.

This guy really takes the fake as the real one.

She nudged Xu mu.

The smile on Xu Mu's face is deeper.

"Let's not stop Lao Xu from falling in love."

"Yes, let's Give Lao Xu some face, or else he will be rejected by his sister-in-law when he goes back? "

Under the protection of Xu Mu's fans, the crowd made way.

Xu Mu leaves with Zhou Ping in his arms.

Behind someone yelled: "when will Lao Xu get married?" Xu Mu looked back: "it's fast. I'm waiting for my sister-in-law to propose to me..."


finally back home, hot pot spicy hot crayfish, wait for me.

Lie on the train with a mobile phone to write a chapter, tomorrow morning home, inspirational will be less before all back. , the fastest update of the webnovel!