You Are My Gravity

Chapter 578

After Zhou Ping finished, there was no sound on the other end of the phone!

Zhou Ping looks at her mobile phone and frowns. If the call is not going on, she thinks the other party has hung up!

"Then I'll hang up. I'll talk about it later."

"Wait!" Xu Mu spoke quickly!

Xu Mu was shocked and sad at the moment. His sister-in-law abandoned him and was with other men!

This, absolutely can't bear!

Dare to find other men, absolutely not!

Xu Mu felt that something was coming out of his heart!



I really want to cut people, I really want to see which shameless man, will his people, to hook up!

At the moment, Xu mu, who is in the dressing room, suddenly stands up!

Xu Mu's face was gloomy and dark. He startled the make-up artist and the agent!

"Teacher Xu, what's the matter?"

The makeup artist asked carefully!

Xu Mu gnashed his teeth, and countless questions flashed in his heart!

But in the end, he opened his mouth and asked, "Oh Stay with others. Where are you now? I'll pick you up when you're finished! "

Xu Mu is the movie king after all. This acting skill must not be given in vain!

Zhou Ping can't hear what she said!

After all, it was the man who seduced his sister-in-law that was wrong!

It's not Sister in law!

In the heart again has the fire, again sour, also can't, scatter the fire on the body of the Mu Sao!

This is a good man as a virtuous basic!

Others said that the more at this time, the more can't let his sister-in-law feel his mood change.

Must be more gentle and virtuous than before!

Yes, that's it!

In fact, Xu Mu's heart acid bubble is about to come out of his stomach!

A mouth, he felt that he was going to be unable to carry, that acid, his teeth are almost soft off!

Xu Mu really wants to know who is the cheap man standing beside Zhou Ping!

Without thinking much, Zhou Ping said directly, "no, I can go back myself! OK, let's do this first and talk later! "

With that, Zhou Ping hung up.

Leave Xu Mu standing in the dressing room gnashing his teeth!

"Mr. Xu You How are you? "

The makeup artist is still holding a brush in her hand. She is a little afraid. She thinks she has done something to make Xu Mu unhappy!

Does Xu Mu's agent come to pat the makeup artist? Let her go to the back first!

"Lao Xu, what's the matter with you?"

Xu Mu clenched his hand, and his mobile phone was about to be crushed!

It's the first time for the agent to see such a terrible expression on Xu Mu's face!

In the mirror, Xu Mu's face was dignified. He didn't smile at all. His eyes were cold and a little terrible

"I have something urgent. I won't do today's program!"

Then Xu Mu turned to go!

The agent was startled and yelled: "Lao Xu, Lao Xu What's the matter with you? What's the matter with you! We signed a contract for this program. If you don't record it at this time, we have to pay liquidated damages! "

Xu Mu didn't stop. He quickly walked to the door, opened the door and said, "what's wrong with the liquidated damages? Can't I afford it?"

What is a few liquidated damages, can be compared to the wife will be cut off soon?

The agent was shocked. What happened? It made Xu Mu so angry!

"What's the matter with Lao Xu? It's not like you. You have something to tell me!"

The agent is catching up!

"Be calm in everything, don't be impulsive!"

Xu Mu suddenly stopped and turned around and said, "calm down? If your wife is robbed, can you calm down? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!