You Are My Gravity

Chapter 577

Zhou Ping's words surprised both of them!

He Zhaowen and Huo Tianen have a look at each other. They are both surprised. What is romantic debt?

Naturally, they know what romantic debt is, but they don't know what Zhou Ping means!

What does this have to do with romantic debt!

"Master... Can you give me some advice Understand a little bit, we don't understand very well! "

Huo Tianen asked carefully!

Zhou Ping looked at them and said nothing.

He Zhaowen couldn't help asking: "excuse me What's the matter with romantic debt? "

Zhou Ping doesn't like such a young man who owes a lot of romantic debts!

Bi in her eyes, with Huo Tianen play together, it is not a good thing!

Zhou Ping said faintly, "what have you done and who have you failed? Don't you know that you still have to let me remind you?"

Huo Tianen sees that Zhou Ping's face is very bad and explains it quickly.

"No, master, my friend, he's really nice. He never messes up with men and women, and never gives up all the time. How can he be in romantic debt?"

Zhou Ping sneered, "since you don't have romantic debt, you don't want to use it to find me!"

In Zhou Ping's opinion, this young man surnamed he is clearly in trouble with romantic debt, so he committed the peach blossom evil!

There must have been something bad done before, otherwise this kind of romantic debt would never have been caused for no reason!

Otherwise, why do people hate him?

Even It's impossible to give up when you die. Why do you hate him so much?

Zhou Ping felt that he Zhaowen certainly did not tell the truth!

She sneered and turned away!

He Zhaowen and Huo Tianen quickly catch up again!

Huo Tianen tugs at he Zhaowen and asks him to speak later!

"Master, please tell us what you want to ask, we will tell you everything, please Can you Can you Half busy, my brother, he's going to be a little crazy now! "

Huo Tianen chased after Zhou Ping and asked,

he Zhaowen quickly followed him and said, "don't worry, we will never let you work in vain. Since just now, it has been charging? I have a bank card with 60000 yuan in it. These are today's consultation fees. Do you have a good look? "

What he Zhaowen said is very sincere!

He really doesn't believe Zhou Ping, but Huo Tianen is his good friend. Since he is so respected, then It shows that the other party will have a certain ability no matter how much.

What's more, he Zhaowen really had no choice. He even went to the temple and asked for a long amulet!

But it's not very useful when I come back!

He Zhaowen is almost nervous now!

Huo Tianen told him a few days ago that he must go to find the aunt who did things for his family!

That's a great master!

But it has been pity not on!

But I didn't expect to meet you today!

Zhou Ping looked at the bank card and he Zhaowen's sincere eyes. She said, "for the sake of your sincerity, OK, I can take your order, but you must tell me all the truth!"

Huo Tianen was surprised: "yes, we promise to say everything!"

"Master, please, let's find a seat first."

All of a sudden, Zhou Ping's mobile phone rings and Xu Mu calls.

"Where are you? Can I come to you?"

Zhou Ping: "no way."


Zhou Ping said casually: "I'm with other men. I'll talk about it later."


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