You Are My Gravity

Chapter 567

Qin se shivered fiercely, and his back was cold. I'll go. What do you mean?

Is it difficult for him to retain his physical strength?

Isn't that scientific?

She used to be super fierce, OK?

As a result, she often complains with Dabao that it's really a headache to have a strong and persistent boyfriend.

As a result, now Gu Jingyuan even said that he was too considerate before?

Your sister, Qin se said, "wait a minute... Jing Yuan, this is not good. Your leg is not completely healed. Have you forgotten what the doctor said? You still have to rest. Don't be impulsive. I know you are very strong. Cough. Really, I understand your mood, but calm down. "

Gu Jingyuan hehe, and his face calmed him down.

"It's too late to ask for mercy now."

Later, Gu Jingyuan let Qin se really realize how powerful he was.

Let Qin se understand that Gu Jingyuan was very considerate before.

Let her understand jealous man ah, don't go to the mouth cheap provoke.

Later, I don't know how long later, Qin se scratched Gu Jingyuan's pitiful hoarse voice and begged for mercy: "husband, spare my life, I will never be cheap again. What I see in my eyes and think in my heart is all about you. I don't dare to make any attempt to other men any more..."

"husband... I love you most. You are all I have... If I die in bed Who else can love you like I do! "

In a word, Qin se racked his brains to say all the good things before he recovered his life.

Qin se really regretted this time. She swore that she would never be in debt again.

If she doesn't do it again, she'll die.

The next day, Qin woke up at eleven in the morning.

Qin se blinked. He felt a little confused. Is he sober or sober?

Last night's storm made her feel that she might not see the sun the next day.

Too damn terrible, Gu Jingyuan last night that is simply a terrible monster, as if endless physical strength, as if never tired.

It's not like a person whose leg injury is not completely healed.

Compared with Gu Jingyuan last night, it can be described as gentleness.

Soon, the sunlight outside the window came in and fell on Qin SE's face and bare shoulders and arms. Soon, she felt a little warm.

Qin se knew that she was alive.

For the rest of his life.

These are the four words Qin se can think of at the moment.

Last night was so terrible that Qin felt that he might remember it all his life.

It's like being in the center of a hurricane all the time, being rolled up by huge waves, and then being shot down.

It's like being gnawed by a ferocious beast all night, and all the places that can be gnawed all over the body have been gnawed.

It seems like a miracle to survive.

Qin se opened his mouth to spit out a cloud of turbid air. It's good to be alive.

She will never die again, and will never provoke jealous men.

Nima, it's terrible. It's scary.

Life is still very beautiful. She will cherish her life.

"What do you think?"

Qin SE's ear suddenly rang out a nice voice.

Qin se subconsciously replied, "I miss men."


the day after I came out, I wanted to go home. It was too painful to code outside (* /? *)

to go home , the fastest update of the webnovel!