You Are My Gravity

Chapter 566

Gu Jingyuan took a hard breath of cold air...

this kind of feeling is driving people crazy. Gu Jingyuan really didn't expect that Qin se would have the courage to do it.

I used to belittle her.

At that time, Qin SE's body was shaking.

She blushed, hot and red where Gu Jingyuan couldn't see.

Qin se swallowed his throat carefully. Suddenly... What should I do?


you'd better let go. After all, she doesn't have the guts. If Gu Jingyuan is forced to be in a hurry, it will be her who will have bad luck tonight.

Moreover, Qin se felt almost enough to kill Gu Jingyuan..

Qin se came up to Gu Jingyuan's ear and asked softly, "husband, are you comfortable?"

Qin se couldn't see what Gu Jingyuan's eyes looked like at this time. If she saw it, he would not be a demon.

Isn't this the right way to die?

Or the one that died in bed.

Gu Jingyuan's glasses have turned red now. The fire of desire in the fundus of his eyes is burning, as if it can burn everything close to him to ashes.

It's fierce and vicious. It seems that as long as he opens his mouth, he can devour his prey. No one can escape his hunting range.

But Qin se died, and she asked, "do you want to be more comfortable?"

Gu Jingyuan's face became more terrible, and all his muscles were tense at this moment, faintly exuding terrible power.

It's a pity that Qin se, a fool, continues to be a demon.

Her hands will take advantage of Gu Jingyuan, and her mouth will bite several red strawberry marks on his neck

GU Jingyuan's skin is like jade. After a thin layer of sweat, under the light, it can give off more attractive luster.

Qin se looks at Gu Jingyuan's chest and can't help but want to swallow water, good chest!

unfortunately, I don't plan to eat it tonight.

Qin SE's hand touched Gu Jingyuan's chest with a handful of tofu.

She said innocently: "well, it can't make you comfortable or happy, so I'm also very desperate. Alas... It seems that I'd better go to the next room alone tonight to sleep well and save people's disgust..."

Qin se, like an aggrieved daughter-in-law, gets up and wants to get up from Gu Jingyuan.

In her body just got up less than a second, suddenly in front of a sudden rotation, she has been, was she just stripped of Gu Jingyuan to pressure in the body.

Gu Jingyuan gritted his teeth and said: "I still want to run."

Qin se turned his mouth: "it's no use trying so hard to please you. Don't I run? Do you still want to stay here? "

Finish saying, return false type shriveled shriveled mouth to stretch out hand to wipe a tears that does not exist.

Gu Jingyuan was itched by Qin SE's angry teeth, and he wanted to swallow her.

It's no use trying to please him. He's going to blow up. It's no use.

Gu Jingyuan didn't want to talk to Qin se. He suddenly lowered his head and bit Qin SE's lips.

Then in Qin SE's exclamation, he tore Qin SE's clothes.

He gritted his teeth and said, "I've let her mother blow you up. What else do you want? I don't know how much I hurt you before. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!