You Are My Gravity

Chapter 556

Zhen bao'er still believes in Qin Zheng. All her votes go to Qin Zheng.

He also canvassed for Qin Zheng on his microblog.

It's just that there's no live broadcast to canvass Qin Zheng.

"He works so hard because he knows that he has no way out. Fans won't let him out. If he sneaks home, my mother won't let him in, so I have to work hard."

Although Qin se said so, he was a little proud in his heart. What's the matter?

Zhen bao'er said: "even so, it's very powerful Now I'm going home. I'm going to do a live broadcast these two nights. I haven't done it for a long time. This time, I'm going to help Xiao Zheng pull tickets, although I don't need to pull his votes at all. "

Qin se looked at Zhen bao'er for a while and said, "you You should not be on the powder Have you played the zither? "

Zhen bao'er was shy: "Oh, you've found it, hehe..."

Zhen bao'er is Qin Zheng's elder sister now.

"Anyway, other people are also fans. Of course, I have to support Xiaozheng. Besides, Xiaozheng is really excellent!"

Qin se suddenly didn't know how to say: "you More like his sister Really... "

Zhen bao'er looks like a brain wreck.

Zhen bao'er waved his hand: "I grew up watching Xiaozheng, just like my sister..."

Qin se tugged his chin and said, "but I still think Chen Mo is better. He is quiet, lovely and obedient."

"Chen Mo is not bad, but our zither is better, Qin se You I don't think I gave all the tickets to Chen Mo, did I? " Zhen bao'er suddenly looks at Qin se angrily.

Qin se quickly waved his hand: "of course not, I have a lot of trumpets, Xiao Zheng and Chen Mo, I have votes!"

As a sister, dislike to dislike.


I'll still vote quietly.

"It's about the same..."

Two people have no scruple to discuss their favorite little boy, completely did not notice the side of the two men's eyes.

Gu Jingyuan takes a look at Gu Zhixin.

In a few seconds.

Gu Zhixin said: "wife Headache... "

As soon as Zhen bao'er heard this, he stopped talking to Qin se immediately. He was so scared that he quickly said, "headache? It's OK. Is it painful? Do you want to go to the hospital... "

Zhen bao'er holds Gu Zhixin's face, and his face changes with fright.

Gu Zhixin shook his head: "no It's very painful... "

Gu Jingyuan said: "it may be that after leaving the hospital today, he spent too long outside. It's time for him to rest at this point."

Zhen bao'er nodded: "yes, it's time to rest."

She whispered to Gu Zhixin, "let's go to bed now..."

Zhen bao'er pushes Gu Zhixin back to the room.

Only Gu Jingyuan and Qin Se were left in the living room.

Gu Jingyuan calls people to go to the road to find out if there is a person like Qiu Chi.

He also ordered people to carefully screen all Gu Zhixin's enemies, as well as those related to him, so as not to miss anything.

Put down the mobile phone, Qin se came to ask: "what's the matter?"

She tilted her head: "aren't you happy?"

Gu Jingyuan: "No."

"Obviously, there is." Qin se God poked Gu Jingyuan's lips.

Gu Jingyuan grabs Qin SE's hand, holds it down and doesn't look at her: "I don't dare to be unhappy. After all, I'm not cute and I look bad. If I'm not honest, my fiancee will turn around and like others." , the fastest update of the webnovel!