You Are My Gravity

Chapter 555

Qin se asked again: "but will Xiang Qiuchi doubt that we know his identity, and then It's just for us... "

Gu Jingyuan couldn't help pinching her face: "do you think your husband is a decoration? What's more, he charges by the head so that he can kill so many people all at once. Besides Zhixin's head, who else will give him money? "

Qin se nodded: "yes It seems to be the same... "

"Well, don't think so much about it. I'm here, and you'll never be in danger."

Since Xiang Qiuchi is a killer, Gu Jingyuan thinks it's easy to find someone to find out what level Xiang Qiuchi is in the killer business.

Zhen bao'er looks at Gu Jingyuan with trembling: "boss We... "

Gu Jingyuan swept Gu Zhixin and said in secret: this silly boy is relaxed now.

"Peace of mind, it's my brother after all. I'll take care of him naturally."

Zhen bao'er said quickly: "thank you, boss Thank you... "

Back at home, Zhen bao'er suddenly felt that the whole person was comfortable, and her spirit was not so tense. She was always afraid of accidents in the hospital before.

Zhou Ping yawned and was ready to go upstairs for a nap when her mobile phone rang.

Qin se took out his mobile phone and handed it to him: "Mom, Uncle Xu's..."

Zhou Ping frowned and said, "hello..."

The next second she exclaimed, "what? In the afternoon? "

Zhou Ping put down her cell phone, Qin se asked: "Mom, what's the matter?"

Zhou Ping's face Numb: "the program's people will come home in the afternoon."

Qin se: "this It's too sudden, isn't it? "

She thought that if the crew came, they would have said it in advance. As a result Come this afternoon!

The key is It's already afternoon.

Qin se patted Zhou Ping: "Mom, don't be nervous. It's OK. We agreed to let them play mosaic."

Zhou Ping yawned: "I'll go upstairs to sleep. If they come, wake me up."


Zhou Ping goes upstairs.

Zhen bao'er quickly asked, "is it Xiaozheng, the member of their program group, coming to shoot at home?"

Qin se nodded: "yes, every player will record it for the last two issues."

Zhen bao'er was happy: "then you and aunt Ping will be on TV."

Qin se waved his hand: "no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

Zhen bao'er is curious: "Why are you and your aunt so beautiful? What are you afraid of?"

Qin se shook his head: "we don't feel ashamed of ourselves, I'm afraid of In the future, we all know that we are Qin Zheng's mother and sister, and we will be disgraced... "


Zhen bao'er scratched his nose. He really sympathized with Qin Zheng.

She said: "I've watched the two episodes of Xiaozheng. I've made a lot of progress and made great efforts. You can see the comments on him in the evening. They all say that he is a very gifted child. He just has never received training in dance music before, so his foundation will be poor."

Speaking of Qin Zheng, Zhen bao'er was very excited: "however, his efforts are in everyone's eyes. In such a short time, he has caught up with so many people all at once. Compared with those who have studied dance for many years, it's not too bad. It's very powerful. Anyway, I think Xiao Zheng will definitely be in the C position in the end. We must let him be in the C position." , the fastest update of the webnovel!