You Are My Gravity

Chapter 548

Zhen bao'er immediately nodded: "good aunt Ping, we understand."

Since Zhou Ping said that, Zhen bao'er thinks that there must be something wrong with Xiang Qiuchi.

In a word, stay away from him, follow master Zhou and President Gu closely, hold their big legs, and there will be no worries.

Front car.

Gu Jingyuan said to akichi, "here we are. Let's go in."

He nodded to Qiuchi.

Three people get out of the car.

Gu Jingyuan brought them to a private club. He didn't even have an order at the door, and he didn't have a shop name. It looked like an ordinary folk house, but when he came in, there was a hole in it.

Elegant retro decoration, a come in, there is a kind of as if through time and space.

Gu Jingyuan said to Xiang Qiuchi, "Mr. Xiang is in the antique business. He must be very familiar with this kind of ancient things. It's a little tricky to bring you here."

Xiang Qiuchi said hurriedly, "no, it's very good here. I look at the seats in the room and it seems that they are all You are really a big hand at the old objects of Ming and Qing Dynasties. Compared with Mr. Gu, I seem to be making a little fuss. "

Gu Jingyuan smile: "you are too modest, please."

The waiter led them to the elegant room upstairs

After going upstairs, Qin se looked around, "here, it's really pretty."

Gu Jingyuan said to Zhou Ping, "Mom, please sit down and have a look. What would you like to eat today?"

To autumn pool quickly forward, pull a mahogany chair, "aunt, please sit down."

The smile on Zhou Ping's face is deeper: "young people are so polite."

Xiang Qiuchi said with a smile: "you are an elder, which is right. As for Miss Zhen and Miss Qin, I won't help. I'm afraid that if I do it, I will inevitably let Mr. Gu and your brother are jealous. "

Xiang Qiuchi's tone is relaxed with teasing, not annoying at all.

Even Gu Jingyuan thinks that if Xiang Qiuchi is really like this, it's not that he doesn't want to be a friend. It's a pity

There is not a word of truth in this man's mouth.

Although, what he said seems to be true, let people choose not to make mistakes.

However, intuition, from a hunter's intuition, tells him that this xiangqiuchi is by no means as mild as it seems.

This is a very dangerous enemy.

After sitting down, everyone seemed to chat in harmony.

Gu Jingyuan asked the waiter to bring up all the special dishes.

After all, it's my boss who's here, and the chef is doing it very fast.

After a while, the dishes were served. Gu Jingyuan entertained Xiang Qiuchi: "Mr. Xiang, please don't mention it. I don't know what kind of flavor you like. Try it and see if it suits your taste."

Xiang Qiuchi picked up his chopsticks and took a mouthful of steamed perch, which was placed in front of him.

After taking a bite, a few seconds later, he showed a happy look on Qiuchi's face, "this is the best steamed fish I've ever eaten since I returned home..."

"That's good. Try some other dishes."

Half the meal, three rounds of wine.

The atmosphere at the table is very good.

I don't know who started first, and then talked from antiques to ancient metaphysics.

Gu Jingyuan seems to be very casual to say: "ah, speaking up, my mother-in-law ah, is an expert, very good at face-to-face."

Xiang Qiuchi followed his words and turned to look at Xiu ang and Zhou Ping, "is that right? I'm really lucky today. I don't know Can aunt Show me... "

Zhou Ping put down her chopsticks and looked up , the fastest update of the webnovel!