You Are My Gravity

Chapter 547

Xiang Qiuchi said, "no, no I didn't mean that I just feel that Miss Zhen's appearance is in line with my aesthetic taste. I just appreciate it... "

Qin se said with a smile: "seriously, I don't think Mr. Xiang is an antique dealer, just like a university professor I think if you go to school to teach, you will be very popular. "

Xiang Qiuchi said, "Miss Qin, I'm flattered..."

Qin se originally wanted to talk to Qiuchi, but she watched Gu Jingyuan never say anything else, so she didn't speak.

All the way, they talked and laughed.

In the car behind them sat Gu Zhixin, Zhen Baoer and Zhou Ping.

Zhou Ping looks at Gu Zhixin solemnly.

Gu Zhixin took Zhen bao'er's arm and whispered: "wife..."

Zhen bao'er patted him on the shoulder: "don't be afraid, don't be afraid, it's ok..."

Zhen bao'er Tunkou waterway: "aunt Ping, if you don't look at him, don't look at him. He is timid now..."

Zhou Ping sneered: "Oh, timid, but I didn't see it."

Granny's voice is so smooth.

Zhen bao'er flattered: "aunt Ping, I apologize to you for him. Really, when he's ready, you'll all break your hands. How can I deal with him? This boy, because he's injured and his head is not very smart, dares to do this. I don't believe he's bad all his life."

With that, Zhen bao'er smiles at Zhou Ping: "haha..."

Zhou Ping sighed: "you..."

She is no longer difficult for Gu Zhixin, asked: "your mother and your brother that how?"

"My brother's fever has gone down. He went out to look for a job this morning, but he didn't find it. He After these days of training, I have the intention to wake up. The key is my mother She Ah, my mother, she is really too insignificant, I don't know how to say her, you say, is she such a mother? My son finally wants to learn well, but she's still dragging behind... "

Zhen bao'er has a headache when she talks about her family's troubles.

Zhou Ping is an elder. Zhen bao'er has always been very trusting of her. When she talks to her, she is not shy.

"What are you going to do next?"

Zhen bao'er said, "I'm going to find a way to send my mother away and let Jinbao stay and transform him thoroughly."

Zhou Ping nodded: "this method can Your mother, although she has no bad heart, if she goes on like that and raises her son, she will have a causal debt, which she will have to repay in the future. "

"What aunt Ping said is that I haven't figured out how to send people away yet."

Zhen bao'er has a headache. It's OK to send her away by force, but she won't come back after sending her back?

Zhou Ping said: "seeing off is not easy..."

Zhen bao'er's eyes brightened: "do you have a way?"

"I'll help you get your mother away in two days."

Zhen bao'er cheered: "aunt Xie Ping, thank you, thank you..."

Gu Zhixin followed: "thank you, aunt Ping, thank you..."

Zhou Ping glared at him: "smelly boy."

Zhen bao'er put her arms around Gu Zhixin, and her smile finally brightened up: "by the way, aunt Ping, you saw Xiang Qiuchi today. What do you think of him?"


As Zhou Ping was about to speak, the car stopped.

Zhou Ping didn't have time to tell them in detail. He said to the two people in front of him, "you two remember now. In a word, stay away from the one with the surname Xiang." , the fastest update of the webnovel!