You Are My Gravity

Chapter 534

His flesh hurts, but at this critical moment, it's important to protect his life.

Director Huo turned his head and scolded: "Hu Ying, come here and apologize to the master quickly. You don't have a wink. You think you can offend him. You don't even know that the heaven is high and the earth is thick. The master is here to save your life."

Hu Ying is not angry: "I..."

Director Huo said coldly, "now, don't let me say it again."

"Yes I'm sorry, master. I was wrong just now. Please forgive me for offending you so much. "

Qin se said: "1000 is everything. You have to make 20 million Tut tut... "

Hu Ying clenched her hand, aggrieved, angry and resentful, but did not dare to attack.

Huo angqi couldn't speak in pain. She struggled.

Hu Ying asked, "well What about Angie? "

Director Huo waved: "you go to the medicine box to deal with it for her, and then send it to the hospital after finishing the ritual."

Zhou Ping took a look at the time. It's already 11 o'clock.

She pointed to Huo Zhonglin and Huo Tianen, the youngest son of Huo Dao, and said, "you And you Come here and set up. "

Huo Tianen was impatient. Director Huo quickly kicked back: "go quickly, don't you hear what the master said? Do you want to live? "

Huo Tianen was a little upset and said, "Dad Maybe you're paranoid? "

"What's the suspicion? You... "

Zhou Ping's cold voice interrupted director Huo's words: "young man, yesterday At night Have an affair. "

Huo Tianen was stunned, and a fluster flashed in his eyes: "you What are you talking about? "

Huo Zhonglin and his sister, Huo Meiqi will put things over the incense table.

Zhou Ping put the censer in the center and said, "is it nonsense? You know in your heart that I don't want to dig your privacy. I just want to tell you that next time, when looking for a woman, you can see clearly whether it's a person or a ghost. Do it again, and you will be hollowed out without waiting for me to do something!"

Of course, Zhou Ping is bluffing Huo Tianen.

But there must be something wrong with the woman he slept with last night.

Otherwise, such a young man, even if he fooled around all day, would not be so badly hollowed out.

Unless it's something evil, and in the last two days.

Otherwise, Huo Tianen's family will be eroded by death. If you go out and meet this kind of deadly woman again, you will die early.

So she guessed, just yesterday, so Even if you die, it won't be that fast.

As soon as Zhou Ping said this, it was like a hot day. Suddenly, a cool air came up from the bottom of her feet. The wind was chilly.

Huo Tianen was so scared that he sat on the ground.

"You You What are you talking about? "

"Beauty is a good thing, young man, but Sometimes, it's deadly. When you got up this morning, didn't you think something was wrong there? "

Qin se exclaimed in a low voice, then quickly hugged Gu Jingyuan's neck from behind: "it's so scary..."

Xu Mu slowly moves to Zhou Ping.

"Master, you You Can you elaborate on that? "

Zhou Ping took out Huang Fu and pressed him with a peach wood sword. "No, I'm just a kind reminder. It's not within the scope of today's legal practice."

Huo Tianen stammered: "I We give money... "

It's not right this morning. He's awake, but But how all can't get up, until the sun shines in, bask in for a while to feel active.

Zhou Ping smile: "thank you, I don't want to accept." , the fastest update of the webnovel!