You Are My Gravity

Chapter 533

Hu Ying's domineering face is waiting for Zhou Ping.

Director Huo turned pale.

He knows what this person is. This is a real master. It's not polite to talk to her. What do you want to do?

They don't care about your money at all. After all, they've already hooked up with Xu mu.

Director Huo was so scared that she wanted to open her mouth, but Zhou Ping had already sneered at her birth ahead of time: "Yo, what she said is quite frightening. Your daughter has caused a verbal disaster and suffered retribution. What does it have to do with me? If I can achieve what I say, then the universe is all mine."

Qin se snorted and said, "it's like your family's money is rare to my mother. Cut If it wasn't for Uncle Xu's face, your family would be dead, and my mother wouldn't even look at it. "

She said to Zhou Ping: "Mom, let's go. We don't accept this kind of cowardice. What's the matter? I really think I'm a great king and grandson. I dare to shake my face in front of you. Who gives her so many premonitions?"

Gu Jingyuan nodded: "what Shanshan said is, mom, you don't have to be angry here."

He glanced at Hu Ying and said sarcastically, "with that little bit of money, I really treat myself as God. I wish they could go to God early."

Zhou Ping nodded: "go home."

Director Huo is scared out in a cold sweat. How can he let Zhou Ping go? If she goes, their family will really die.

He quickly stopped Zhou Ping and apologized: "master Sorry, sorry I'm really sorry. I Let her apologize to you. She doesn't know anything and doesn't have any knowledge. If she's used to being praised, she doesn't know who she is. Please don't forget the villains and save our family's life. "

Qin se said: "my mother wants to save you. Your wife is determined to die. Since people have such ambition, we will not stop her."

Director Huo turned pale and asked Xu mu for help.

"Xu mu, Xu mu, you can't watch our family die like this. If you say something nice to the master, I will definitely take care of my family and never let them talk nonsense again."

Xu Mu sighed: "I told you before I came here that people really don't want that little money. Why do you say that Ah... "

Xu Mu really doesn't like director Huo's family.

There is a good saying: it's too low.

Drag all day can go to heaven, think the whole universe on her most hanging explosion days.

Before he came, he told director Huo to watch his wife and children.

As a result, it is not optimistic.

Director Huo gritted his teeth and said: "master Master I'll give you 20 million. Do you think that's ok? "

The Huo family was shocked one after another. Hu Ying's eyes were about to explode. She yelled, "what are you talking about, old Huo?"

Director Huo was afraid that she would say anything more. He yelled, "shut up and yell again, and you'll get out of here."

Hu Ying grits her teeth angrily, holding her daughter to hate and stare at Zhou Ping.

Zhou Ping picks eyebrows. She hasn't said anything about the extra money, but he says it first.

20 million!

You can

Zhou Ping said: "yes, in addition I want that piece of Warring States jade on the Bogu shelf of your house. "

Director Huo is an antique lover. He has many good things in his home.

Zhou Ping took a fancy to the jade of the Warring States period in his house yesterday.

That jade is a good magic weapon.

Director Huo nodded: "you can see what you like in my family, just take it away." , the fastest update of the webnovel!