You Are My Gravity

Chapter 525

Qin se looked up at Gu Jingyuan, and both of them had two words in their eyes: Yes!

Qin se brings the medicine box and bandages Gu Jingyuan's wound.

"How do you feel about your arm?" Zhou Ping asked Qin se

Qin se raised his right arm and shook his head: "now I don't feel any more. I don't feel hot any more. Moreover, I feel that my arms are much more relaxed. "

She asked curiously, "Mom, why do you feel heavy?"

The show on TV is over and there is an advertisement on it.

Zhou Ping picked up the remote control and turned off the TV: "that Huo has not only a sense of death, but also a sense of resentment. It is estimated that he has done many immoral things before, so he is particularly fond of evil. After you meet him, you get a little bit of death. You have to know that a person's weight is the same. After death, he is heavier than before, or how can he have the word" death "

Qin se said: "ah No wonder I saw director Huo today. He's not fat, but when he walks, he seems to have heavy feet. "

"Yes, the dying."

From the director Huo, Zhou Ping really can't see much anger.

Even if he helped his family through the disaster this time, his body may not last long.

So ah, it's hard to avoid retribution when there are so many evils.

Qin se is shivering. In her hometown, Zhou Ping used to protect her so well that she hardly told her about these things. She always thought that her mother was just divining for others, and sometimes she didn't care.

In this age when the whole people believe that science makes people progress, and after the founding of the people's Republic of China it is not allowed to be refined, how many people can believe that,

even if they believe it, they are dubious.

Qin se, in fact, didn't believe much.

After all, I haven't seen much.

But now Qin se firmly supports everything her mother says.

Qin se suddenly exclaimed: "Oh, by the way, Uncle Xu also contacted the Huo today and patted him on the shoulder. Is it OK? Why don't I give him a call and ask him to come back as soon as possible? "

Zhou pingbai looked at her: "he? He has a lot of contact with that surname Huo. If there is any problem, something will happen. "

"Ah? Why is Uncle Xu going to be ok? "

"I was born lucky. Last time I went to his house, he bought some amulets from me. Now he carries them at any time. Generally, they can't hurt me."

"Well Then I also want to Mom, I want to No matter where I go, I'll take it with me in the future... "

Speaking of this, Zhou Ping was angry and knocked on Qin SE's forehead: "is there little good things I gave you? I'll give you a blessing of peace to your brother and each of you. Have you lost it to me? "

When Qin se thought of what Zhou Ping had given her as a child, she shook her head: "ah That ah, I didn't lose it, I didn't lose it. It depends on what you say. How can I be willing to lose it? I'll put it on myself later! "

Gu Jingyuan couldn't help asking, "Mom Then I'll... "

Zhou pingbai gave him a look: "you don't need it."

Gu Jingyuan's great magic weapon, which is evil, is more effective than any peace talisman.

Gu Jingyuan nodded and said nothing else.

Zhou Ping said: "tomorrow, Shanshan, you will follow Xiaogu closely. Don't touch anything, and don't touch the Huo family."

Qin se nodded: "don't worry, mom, I won't have any contact with the Huo family tomorrow. If anyone dares to touch me, I..."

She turned to pull Gu Jingyuan: "I'll push Jingyuan out." , the fastest update of the webnovel!