You Are My Gravity

Chapter 524

Qin Se and Gu Jingyuan could not understand what Zhou Ping painted.

Anyway, no matter what Zhou Ping does, they will feel that my mother is so powerful and wonderful!

But now, both of them shook.

If Zhou Ping can attach so much importance to it, it must be a problem.

Moreover, Qin se obviously felt that when Zhou Ping drew on her arm with Gu Jingyuan's blood, she felt a little hot and tingling.

I can't tell the feeling. It's not very intense, but it's just a little uncomfortable.

It's like After being bitten by mosquitoes in summer, I scratched my skin, and then poured the essential balm.

Qin Se and Gu Jingyuan look at Zhou Ping's face.

By the time Zhou Ping stopped, Qin SE's left and right arms were full of runes and bloody.

The smell of blood in my breath, I feel Some people.

Qin se swallowed: "Mom What, what Do I have any questions? "

Zhou Ping ignored her and said to Gu Jingyuan, "go and deal with the injury on your arm."

Gu Jingyuan shook his head quickly: "I'm ok, mom. When you were rowing just now, you didn't lay a heavy hand, just cut a little skin You, why is this all of a sudden? Is it What happened to Shanshan? "

In Gu Jingyuan's impression, unless something big happened, Zhou Ping was really a very calm, rational and wise woman.

Qin se looked at Zhou Ping's serious face and turned pale with fright: "Mom You tell me, I should not be There's no salvation, is there? "

Zhou Ping glared at her.

"What are you thinking? It should be ok now. Do you feel your arms now?"

Qin se moved his right arm. "It hurt a little at first, but now it doesn't hurt, but It's still a little hot. It seems heavier than my right arm. Mom, what's the matter with me? "

Gu Jingyuan didn't care about the wounds on his face and arms. "Mom, Shanshan What's in it? "

Zhou Ping grabbed Qin SE's right arm and looked at it over and over again. She said, "it's not a big deal. It's settled. It should be something that is not clean from the Huo family's house."

Qin se shivered, "I No, I've been following you all the time. I didn't run anywhere. I didn't touch anything in their yard! "

With that, Qin se said, "I Mom, I remember. Should it be the time when I wrote a letter to director Huo... "

Zhou Ping's face was very ugly. Her eyes were cold and she nodded: "it was at that time that you pasted it for him with your right hand."

Qin Sai's face was turmeric: "Mom I just paste it for him, just Yes, I did

Zhou Ping patted her on the head: "it's ok It's my carelessness... "

Fortunately, she just found out.

Qin se moved his arm: "now I don't feel so hot, and I don't seem to be so heavy Mom, why did you use his blood just now? "

Zhou Ping said: "Xiao Gu's blood can drive away evil."

Gu Jingyuan is born rich and has a purple body. This kind of person has a good life. It's a big killer that can automatically ward off evil spirits.

Gu Jingyuan suddenly felt as if he had suddenly become very useful.

Qin se grabbed Gu Jingyuan's hand: "Mom Since the Huo family is so frightening, why don't we go tomorrow? "

Zhou Ping sneered: "go Of course, or else Let him pay more. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!