You Are My Gravity

Chapter 504

Gu Zhixin's hand is strong. Even though his brain has no memory of the past for the time being, his body's muscle memory can't be erased all his life, especially his best hit.

When the walnut is smashed, Tian Jinzhi is hit with stars in his eyes and screams

Zhen bao'er came back from shopping. As soon as she got out of the elevator, she saw that the nurse station was full of people. She was curious. She approached her head and heard Tian Jinzhi's voice.

Zhen bao'er was stunned. This What sounds like her mother's voice?

She quickly pulled away from the crowd and saw Tian Jinzhi lying on the ground splashing. Her face was blue and purple, and she looked really scary.

Zhen bao'er looked at Tian Jinzhi in shock, slowed down and rushed forward: "Mom Why are you here? "

Seeing that Zhen bao'er had caught her, Tian Jinzhi howled, "you bloody girl, look what boyfriend you're looking for What did he do to me? "

Gu Zhixin quickly put down the bamboo in his hand and looked at Zhen bao'er with an aggrieved face: "wife She scolded you Cry for her... "

Zhen bao'er knows Tian Jinzhi very well. When she is away, Tian Jinzhi certainly doesn't know how many ugly words she scolded.

Tian Jinzhi yelled: "this is my life. I gave her a life. What's the matter with me? When I hit her, she'll bear it for me... "

Gu Zhixin said with a shriveled mouth: "she still scolds me..."

Zhen bao'er put down her anger and said to Tian Jinzhi, "don't lose face here. If you have anything to say, go in with me."

Tian Jinzhi's purpose is to ask Zhen bao'er for money. When he meets someone, he naturally wants to have a good talk with her.

So he stood up and bared his teeth in pain and followed Zhen bao'er into Gu Zhixin's ward.

As soon as he went in, Tian Jinzhi looked east and West. He felt this and that. He saw so many fruits on the table. He was so greedy.

"Smelly girl, I live so well here that I don't know how to send some to your brother..."

Zhen bao'er patted Gu Zhixin on the shoulder to let him take it easy.

She said, "Mom, how did you find it? What's the matter?"

Tian Jinzhi took a whiff and spat with blood. She said: "your mother is looking for you. Of course, there's something wrong. Give me money quickly. Your brother is sick and has a fever at home now. You elder sister can't watch him. If he really burns something good or bad, it's your fault..."

After hearing this, Zhen bao'er is a little surprised, but in the face of Tian Jinzhi's disgusting behavior, she will never give money easily. She would rather secretly find someone to see a doctor for Zhen Jinbao than give her mother money.

Zhen bao'er looked casual and said, "Oh, this So Just let him die, a waste. Isn't it just good to die? "

"You dead girl, do you have any humanity..."

Zhen bao'er said faintly: "you just think I don't have it."

Tian Jinzhi's chest was stuffy, "you You You leave your own mother and brother behind and find this fool to be your boyfriend. Are you crazy? I tell you Zhen bao'er, I will never allow you to be with this fool. You will go with me right away... "

Then she grabs Zhen bao'er's arm and tugs her to go.

Gu Zhixin where agree, a pinch Tian Jinzhi's arm, forced a twist, pain of her crying, immediately released his hand: "don't touch my wife..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!