You Are My Gravity

Chapter 503

Gu Zhixin pushed his wheelchair and came over in a huff. It was an apple that hit Nakata just now. When he heard someone scolding Zhen bao'er, he came over in a huff.

However, Zhen bao'er is not here at this time. Her great aunt came this morning and just ran out to buy aunt's towel, so she didn't catch up with Tian Jinzhi.

Tian Jinzhi covered his face and cried out.

Just now Gu Zhixin smashed it. Anyway, it's very heavy. His cheekbones are probably swollen.

Tian Jinzhi was a little confused when he was smashed, but he didn't recover for a long time.

She put down her hand and saw Gu Zhixin push his wheelchair to her. She yelled angrily: "who are you? Who scolded your wife? Where did you come from? Doctor Nurse, you quickly pull this psycho away... "

Doctors and nurses where dare to move, the president's brother, is not what neuropathy.

The head nurse came to persuade: "aunt, I advise you to leave as soon as possible. Our hospital is not the place where you make trouble. If you don't leave again, we can let the security guard drag you out."

Tian Jinzhi immediately yelled, "I won't go, I won't go All of you have been touched by me. I'm here today to find my daughter. Who knows Zhen bao'er? Let her get out. See you Ah... "

Just then, Tian Jinzhi got another hit on his face.

Gu Zhixin said angrily, "if you scold me again, I will beat you..."

He has already grabbed a lot of walnuts in his hand. Gu Zhixin can't land on his legs now, but His hands can't move. He heard someone scold Zhen bao'er. When he came out, he brought a lot of food, the kind that can hit people.

Tian Jinzhi's face is full of pain. She covers her face and scolds Gu Zhixin: "you are crazy. I scold my daughter for taking care of you..."

"Bad guy, let you scold my wife, let you scold..."

Gu Zhixin said that the walnuts in his hand seemed to have eyes, and all of them ran to Tian Jinzhi.

Forehead, chin, nose and eyes, whatever the pain.

Tian Jinzhi cried in pain, "help, help It's killing people, it's killing people Help... "

Two nurses quickly advised him: "master Zhixin, don't fight, don't fight This This is Miss Zhen's mother Or Why don't you ask first? "

Where would Gu Zhixin listen? "She said that she would kill someone, so I'll kill her Anyway, she doesn't want to live... "

Hearing the nurse's words, Tian Jinzhi quickly asked, "you What's your relationship with my daughter? "

The nurse looked at the angry Gu Zhixin and Tian Jinzhi hesitated to say.

Tian Jinzhi asked again, "what's the relationship between you and my daughter Zhen bao'er?"

Gu Zhixin choked his neck: "that's my wife..."

Tian Jinzhi was shocked: "what? Zhen bao'er is It's You Your wife... "

For a moment, Tian Jinzhi felt that her head was more painful. Suddenly, she remembered that Zhen bao'er said that she had a boyfriend, that she was a poor man or a fool

She looked at Gu Zhixin in front of her and thought about the tone of his speech, which This is clearly a fool ~

Tian Jinzhi immediately became dizzy in front of her angry eyes. She bit her teeth angrily and scolded: "that dead girl, is she blind? I found this one behind my back Ah... "

Just finished, Tian Jinzhi screamed again. Gu Zhixin smashed all the walnuts into Tian Jinzhi's face. , the fastest update of the webnovel!