You Are My Gravity

Chapter 453

In fact, after roaring, Zhen bao'er has some regrets in her heart. After all, it's her mother. How can she scold her to go away?

But Zhen bao'er couldn't bear it.

Every word of her mother's words is challenging her bottom line.

What is Use it. What's the matter? You'll die?

Is that what people say?

Besides, what does Qin se have to do with her money?

Even aunt Ping refuses to use Qin SE's and Gu Jingyuan's money all the time. What qualifications does she have to use her friends' things with ease?

Yes, she and Zinser are good friends.


Her mother is not.

Besides, just because you are good friends, you can't take it for granted to take advantage of your friends.

What her mother said really broke the limit of her patience, so There's no way. She can't stand it.

Do other people's things have anything to do with you?

Tian Jinzhi is stunned by Zhen bao'er's roar, because Zhen bao'er seldom cares about anything with her before, and has never been so fierce.

Moreover, in the eyes of Tian Jinzhi's elders, there is no daughter who does not help his brother.

Zhen bao'er's younger brother, Zhen Jinbao, was scolded and stunned for a while. Finally, he was willing to look up at Zhen bao'er.

Then, like a three-year-old boy, a boy of 1.7 meters turned to Tian Jinzhi and cried, "Mom, my second sister called me a waste..."

Zhen bao'er grits her teeth and comes again.

This kind of similar words, Zhen Jinbao said countless times from childhood.

Zhen bao'er and her elder sister Zhen yu'er have been wrongly beaten.

Zhen bao'er said angrily: "Zhen Jinbao, can you be a man? What do you look like now? Are you retarded? "

"Smelly girl, you are crazy. How did you talk to your brother..."

Then Tian Jinzhi's big hand hit Zhen bao'er's head.

Fortunately, Zhen bao'er had expected to dodge in time, but the slap didn't hit her head, but fell on her shoulder. It was loud and painful.

Zhen bao'er grits her teeth. Every time, every time She didn't want to bear it for a minute.

In public, Zhen bao'er really doesn't want to make a big noise. It's too humiliating.

But her mother had no intention of face.

Zhen bao'er sneered: "he is not a waste. What is he? I'm 17 this year, and I'm going to be an adult soon, but what do you think he will do? If you don't read well, you will get the lowest score of the class every year. When you go out, you are just like a fool. Besides eating, you can't even say a word. Do you think he's not weaned? He's 17 this year, he's not 17 months. "

Under the big sun, Tian Jinzhi was sweating, and was dazzled by Zhen bao'er.

"You Dead girl, I don't want to kill you. You've been outside for a long time, and you don't even know who you are. "

Then he would reach for Zhen bao'er.

Zhen bao'er dodged the cold face and continued: "Mom, I know you prefer boys to girls. It doesn't matter. I don't care about this. Anyway, I'm already old, but can you stop hurting him?"

Tian Jinzhi was stunned: "where did I harm him? Don't talk about eight ways."

Zhen bao'er looked at his younger brother and said, "Mom, do we have a throne to inherit?"

"What are you talking about?"

Zhen bao'er sneered: "since there is no throne, what kind of crown prince do you want him to be?"

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