You Are My Gravity

Chapter 452

There's a second point.

Never let her mother see how rich Qin se is now!


Otherwise, she couldn't think about what sour words her mother would say, and how she would tell her relatives and neighbors when she went back, which is even more unknown.

No way, red eye is a disease!

But now, when she goes to the bus station, who is looking at Gu Zhixin?

If you call Qin Se and ask her to help you pick it up, she will inevitably be asked by her mother.

Zhen bao'er doesn't want her good friend to be wronged by her mother.

After thinking about it, she just calls song Yizhi and asks him to come over and help Gu Zhixin. If he wakes up and asks for her, she will go out and buy food for him.

After telling song Yizhi a lot, Zhen Baoer went out.

She didn't take a taxi. She took the subway.

She won't let her mother see what money she has anyway.

It took nearly an hour for Zhen bao'er to get to the bus station and meet her mother and brother in a KFC store nearby.

When Tian Jinzhi saw Zhen bao'er, he roared, "smelly girl, you know how to come. How long has it been?"

Zhen bao'er has a headache: "Mom, I'm at work at this time. You call me and don't even ask. I can only find a way to ask my colleagues to look after my work first."

She thought about it all the way here.

We must find a way to let her mother and brother go back early.

So, she has to have a "job", busy all day, so that they can't see people.

On hearing this, Tian Jinzhi quickly asked, "are you looking for a job..."

Zhen bao'er nodded: "yes, a company clerk, OK, let's go. After taking you to my place, I have to go back quickly. If I leave early, I will be fined at the end of the month."

"How much is a month? The salary in Kyoto is very high, isn't it?"

Zhen bao'er immediately said, "I'm still in my internship period. It's only more than 3000 yuan a month. I've paid the rent, but I can't eat enough. What's higher? If I leave early today, my salary will be deducted, and I'll be fined again at the end of the month. This month, I'm going to drink from the west, but Fortunately, mom, you're here. You can't watch your daughter starve. "

Zhen bao'er blocks up everything Tian Jinzhi wants to say in advance.

Tian Jinzhi wanted to ask Zhen bao'er for money, but unexpectedly, she opened her mouth first.

Tian Jinzhi said angrily, "you ask me for money. I raised you so much, and you're still gnawing. Do you have the face to say that?"

Zhen bao'er sneered, "well, if you don't give it, don't give it. Let's go. I really don't have time."

She glanced impatiently at her brother, who was gnawing at the fried chicken leg. She wanted to reach out and smoke him. Up to now, she didn't even understand the basic politeness, didn't lift her head, and didn't shout.

Out of the store, the sun outside the people can't open their eyes.

Zhen bao'er takes them to the subway station.

Tian Jinzhi face immediately Black: "not to tell you, let you drive, car, how can you let your brother with so many people crowded, if hurt him how to do?"

Zhen bao'er held back her anger and said, "Mom, I can't afford to eat. Where's the car?"

"Isn't Qin se rich now? Doesn't she have a car?"

Zhen bao'er clenched her hand: "that's Qin SE's car, not mine."

"It's not yours. What's the matter? You two have such a good relationship. If you use it, you will die!"

Zhen bao'er suddenly roared: "you'd better not let aunt Ping hear this, otherwise, you see if she will kill you."

Tian Jinzhi shivered at the thought of Zhou Ping's fierce appearance.

Zhen bao'er pointed to the waste brother beside him and said: "also, do you like to sit or not? If you don't sit, you will take your waste son back to your hometown." , the fastest update of the webnovel!